October 30

80 6 1

Today I decided to show Harry this diary. As I said before, no secrets.

I also want to burn this diary after showing it to him.

He was quite shocked at first that a person like me maintains a diary.

So he read it, right from the start. He is even sitting by my side and laughing at what I'm writing.

He loved it, like everything. What I wrote, the way I wrote, he was laughing the whole time. I love his laugh so much.

And now he is blushing reading this. My cute frog.

Anyways he agreed on burning it, even he doesn't want anyone else to know about it.

So now I will stop writing this shit, go out with him and burn it to ashes.

Bye bye my beloved stupid fooking diary, see you never again.

They burned the diary and never told anyone about it

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