July 25

92 10 7

Zayn finally called me back.
Called me and yelled every bad word he knows at me.
I politely listened and then explained myself.
He just hummed at my explanation and said that Liam still won't believe me and probably never will.
And now I can't do shit about this situation.

At least I have my best friend back again.

I wanted so badly tell him what happened between me and Niall but I just couldn't.

I can only write about those two blowjobs in this diary, I can't tell anyone else.

It was so weird not to tell him about my life but I was scared to lose our friendship again.

Oh and Niall finally saw my notebook/diary thing and he's determined on reading it. He said something about being fascinated about it or whatever shit.

I said firm NO but I know he will secretly read it when he founds out where I keep it.

So Niall if you read this then fuck you for invading my privacy.

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