September 15

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Today I had decided to do all my homework I had from the whole week.

And it was a lot. I'd die if my Science teacher comes to school tomorrow. That's what all the homework was of!

Ugh. When I was half way done with it, I got a call from Hazza. Asked me if I wanted to hang out. Told him I was doing homework of the whole week.

Him being the sincere student he is, did all of the homework on time. So he asked me if he could come to my place.

And oh holy mother of christ. I was so fucking nervous. But it turned out pretty well.

After I was done, we sat on my couch smiling like idiots and sharing sweet kisses. Watched some stupid telly.

He saw that I had some good music system. I don't know how and when, but soon Indie Rock songs were blaring through the speakers.

He dragged me to dance with him. He was so fucking adorable at that moment. I can't dance so it's no fun, but when it comes to Harry, everything is fun.

Wait did I say adorable? I am so W-H-I-P-P-E-D.

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