August 31

79 10 6

This one's for you BellezaGracias   you didn't expect this to hapoen I'm sure.

Niall came over yesterday.
He had Liam's dog in one hand and bat in the other. This dog is possessed by the devil himself, I saw it in that thing's eyes and now Niall brought it here. He wants to kill me I swear to God.
And a bat. He had a pink fucking bat. With fooking diamonds on it. Some weird things were about to happen.

I was afraid earlier when he announced he's coming over and even more afraid when he showed up like that.

So apparently he didn't like the idea of me hanging out with Harry too. But at the same time he was being all too friendly with Liam.
Giving mixed feeling here and there.

He said that he and Liam were best friends like three years ago. So they were catching up and catching feelings too.
What is happening?

And apparently Niall is here to break up with me because he was only up for a summer romance kind of thing which actually didn't happen with me and now he was like bitch bye. He's going to try things with Liam now instead. Great success.

The dog was only with him because he promised Liam to take it for a walk. Thank God he didn't bring that thing here to kill me because of some sort of jealousy. And bat because you know, it's Niall. He always does or says something unexpected.

So here I am now. Single pringle again.
Nice summer though. Now lets hope for better fall.

It's september tomorrow and school again.

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