The Cliff

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                                                                          Something Good- Alt-J

The rest of the night was per the usual. Filled with light conversation and good food and hugs from people I could hardly remember.

After most of the people had left I thanked my mom for everything, shed some goodbye tears, and held my brother's final embrace for as long as I would allow myself before I headed out to the car with Monroe and Henley. Stiles had left a few hours before, so it left just the three of us to do whatever we wished before my departure at 2:50pm tomorrow.

"Would you guys mind if you just dropped me off at home?" Henley asked to what seemed mostly like Monroe.

"Absolutely," he replied relieved. I was somewhat relieved as well. I had been wanting some alone time with him since the day had started.

"I'm sorry you didn't get much time with me before I leave again, Hen," I start. "I'll be back for New Year's hopefully."

"That's alright," we were pulling up to her driveway. "But come out and give me a hug before you go." she says quavering a bit through a sad smile.

I step outside the car and face her, gripping her shoulders so tightly I thought I might've broken her if she hadn't returned the feeling. I step back and wipe the tears from her eyes with my sweater paws and give her a reassuring smile as I step back into the CRV, waving goodbye while she walks through her doorway. I close the door and Monroe starts to pull away, slowly driving farther and farther away from her house. I turn to him.

"So where are we going to go now?" I ask, as if I didn't have an idea. We would most likely be going to the Cliff. It was a small flat about 15 minutes up and out of town that overlooked the abundant lights of the city and provided an amazing view of the docks. It was at the top of the world and no one but we knew about it. The last time I was there was the night before I left. The night I'd lost myself in Monroe's smile and could do nothing about it.

When we arrived, it looked untouched and magical and I sat down on the grass leaning against the couple of rocks we sat on on June 12, 2013. Monroe found his place next to me and scooted close so I could rest my cheek on his shoulder. For a few seconds, I couldn't hear anything but the sounds of our hearts beating thunderously inside our chests. There was no real reason to talk, so we didn't. Just being in the other person's presence made us feel better. Not seeing your best friend for over a year could hurt you something fierce.

I had no doubt that he was my best friend, but I couldn't help but think that maybe I felt a little different about him. I loved him, but I think only in the way you love your best friend. But, every time I look at him something flutters in my chest. I can't help but wonder what it would be like if we weren't friends. What if we were something else? Then I felt his lips touch my cheek again just as they had that afternoon.

"What was that for?" I say wryly through a smile, not daring to look at him for fear that my cheeks were bright red.

"I simply couldn't help myself anymore I guess," he said as he lifted my chin so that I could see his face right in front of mine. His eyes were a deep brown and almost the same shade as his flaming hair sweeping above his head. His lips sat pink in between the creases created from smiling too often and his pale skin contrasted with them. I'd noticed all of these things thousands of times before, but no other time seemed significant. Now, I looked into his eyes and noticed them flickering from mine to my mouth as if to ask for my permission. I leaned forward and our lips collided softly with a burst of energy that spread throughout my entire body.

He pulled me in close by the waist and held me there. It felt nice to be in his arms again, even if it was in a different way.

It made me sad to think that these were the last moments we'd spend together for another long while. And while he was so wonderful, I knew there was never a world where we would actually be together.

---shout out to you, single read. WOOO. literally guy friends goals right here. BUT WAIT THERES MORE

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