Good Vibes

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After an entire Monday was spent lounging around the house and blasting music throughout the emptiness, I resolved to go out on Tuesday and explore. I'd decided I should get a summer job to keep myself busy, so I'd have a mission.

I'd texted Ashton a bunch since he left Sunday afternoon with his siblings. He'd been busy monday, so we hadn't seen each other, but I couldn't escape thinking of him. When I was sitting on my bed, I thought of him sitting there with me. When I looked out the window, I thought of us at the beach. It seemed like whenever I thought of anything I was also thinking of him.

I took the Jeep out around 10:30. After Allison and Jared left for work at 9, I took a shower and messed my hair about until it looked socially acceptable. I threw on an old t-shirt with paint on it and a pair of black shorts.

I cruised around mid-town picking up applications from various art stores and a coffee house with the radio on and the windows down until a small vinyl shop especially caught my eye. I parked in a two hour parking spot.

As soon as I walked in, the sound of the Arctic Monkeys filled my ears and the smell of old vinyl clouded my thoughts.

It was basically paradise.

There were aisles filled with old and new and pop and rock. CDs, and even books. The walls were covered in hundreds of albums when they weren't covered in instruments or paintings or windows.

I'm pretty sure I just stood at the entrance for a good 5 minutes before walking up to the counter. The guy working had ducked under the countertop so I could only see the top of his hair until I knocked on the wood. He bumped his head on the way up and seemed rather frazzled.

When his face was finally visible, I realized I knew him.


His eyes met mine and he seemed equally as surprised to see me as I was to see him. He let his mouth drop open a little bit and laughed.

“Wren? Hey! What's goin' on?” he finally asked.

“Um, nothing, really. I think I'm in love with this store. Do you work here?”

“Yeah. I've worked here since sophmore year.” he smiled reminiscintly, as if he was remembering the way it was when he first started there.

“Well, I actually was looking for a summer job, and came here to see if they were hiring...”

“Yes! We are, I mean. I could really use some help around here,” he grabbed a piece of paper from a drawer opposite the counter and handed it to me rather excitedly. “I'll talk to my boss if you wanted. But I'm sure you'd get the job.”

I giggled at his rambling nonsense and took the paper, slipping it into my purse. “Thanks, Calum.”

“No problem,” he paused for a second and searched for something I couldn't see. “If you want to fill it out in here,” he found a pen behind the register and handed it to me. “You could probably start working, like, tomorrow, to be honest. But only if you want.” he smiled and reminded me of Ashton a bit.

The way he managed to be sort of sweet in all his awkwardness.

“Okay.” I took the pen and removed the paper from my purse. I walked over to the stage, that must have been for live music performances, and sat on the edge.

It only took me about 7 minutes to fill out the paper and hand it back to Calum. After handing it to him, he disappeared into a back room and said he'd talk to the boss person. I wandered around the shop for a bit before feeling my phone vibrate against my hip.

When I checked it, I had a text from Ashton. To see his name gave me butterflies and made my cheeks warm up. It was a good kind of feeling I think.

Ash: good afternoon, my lady. What are you doing tonight?

I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself for reading it in his voice.

Me: im assuming hanging out with you..? ;)

I continued flipping through a stack of new release records when he quickly reponds.

Ash: Well, I was wondering if you wanted to join us at band practice tonight? Its at michaels house.

Me: Sure, sounds fun! Meet at my house beforehand?

Ash: see you at 6 ;)

I blushed at my phone. I was honestly really jazzed about going to the pratice. Knowing the guys, and knowing their interest in music, it was going to be a good time.

When I put my phone away I turned around to see Calum, smiling wide, walking out of the back office and towards me. As he got closer, he started clapping his hands and doing some sort of happy dance or something. I laughed at his show before asking him what was going on.

“You're in! You start tomorrow! Aria wants to see you though. All good vibes. She might look a little scary, but she's really cool.”

With that he nodded his head towards the back and gestured for me to follow him back.

He stopped before reaching the doorway and waved me into the room alone.

---ans were back! how is everyone's day so far?            ry xX

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