Salt and Cola

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                                                                     Photograph- Ed Sheeran

I almost ran into him when I bounded out of the house.

He'd come around to the porch with a small picnic basket in hand and stumbled backwards, giggling, as I nearly pushed him down in my elated stampede. Luckily, he caught me and stopped me from tumbling down the front steps.

"Hi," he said, still laughing. I was laughing too and probably beet red.

"Hi," I tried to catch my breath for a second before we started to walk down to the sand. "How did you know where to find me?"

"We're neighbors, actually," he said cautiously while we started walking around the side of the house.

"Really? That's awesome!"

"Yeah! Definitely makes seeing you easier."

"So which house is yours then?" I looked back at the houses behind us and imagined him living in each of them. Only feet away.

He pointed at the one right next door and laughed shortly. "This one actually."

"Okay this is seriously the greatest thing right now," I stated, starting to laugh. We were a little over half way to the water and picked a flat expanse of sand to lay a blanket down that he'd brought.

The hill blocked the view of us from the first story of both of our houses. I looked at my room and balcony and then looked at his house. I wonder if he sleeps on the second floor too.

He pulled out a couple of sodas from the basket, along with a few slices of bread and a jar of spread I had yet to try.

Vegemite. Sure, why not.

"So which room is yours?" I inquired tentatively. I guess that was kind of a weird question.

God, I'm awkward.

"It's the second floor," he said smiling as he handed me a soda and some bread. "That window there." He pointed to the window on the corner of his house.

It was directed right towards the balcony.

"So what's this 'vegemite' stuff?" I asked, giggling a bit.

"Only the single greatest Aussie invention ever made. Probably 95% of my diet." he joked.

"It must be worth a try then," He watched quietly as I took the first bite.

It was quite good.

"Wow," I exclaimed, still chewing. "This is good!"

"I'm glad you like it," he says sweetly, looking down at his soda.

I looked over at him and took in everything about his face.

He was looking out at the ocean and wore a lazy smile draped in shallow creases. His eyes were green and brown at the same time, just like mine.

Except more beautiful.

He already wore a medium tan that had replaced his light brown hair with sandy golden blonde. His curls were pushed up and out of his face.

He noticed me admiring him and turned his head so that his eyes met mine. I didn't turn away like I normally would have and I'm glad I didn't.

"Would it be totally crazy if I told you that I think I really like you, already, Wren Matson?" he asked quietly, not breaking the gaze.

"Not if I said I thought the same thing." I replied. He was less than feet away now.

Inches. Centimeters.

The sun was falling below the shimmering water now. It was almost dark. The sky was a deep shade of pink and blue and a few stars shone through.

Ashton reduced the space between us until there was barely any. He brushed my bangs across my forehead with his thumb. I rested my hand behind his neck and he leaned towards me.

Our lips collided sweetly, softly. He tasted like sea salt and cola. I felt the fireworks that every Nicholas Sparks book had promised. It felt right to be kissing him now on this beach. Even though we'd only known each other for a short amount of time, it felt like we'd known each other forever.

He pulled me in closer by the waist and held the small of my back, sending shivers up my spine where his hands lingered. I could tell he was being careful and wary in his kissing, so I opened my mouth a bit and I felt our lips begin to move in sync.

It was dark now. I felt the ocean spray tickle my cheeks and it felt good in the warm summery air. Ashton swung me around, still holding my waist, so I was sitting with my legs across his lap. I broke away for a minute to regain my breath.

I leaned my forehead against his.

He planted a kiss on my lips. Then one on my cheek, my chin, my jaw; when he reached the place just behind my ear, a small breath escaped my lips before I could stop it.

I never would have thought being kissed there would be so pleasant. I imagined it felt the same way as going on a Ferris wheel. Frightening and wonder-filled and extravagant and breathtaking.

He'd found my sweet spot and continued to kiss it, this time with open lips. I smiled and blushed ad infinitum until I rested my cheek softly on his collarbone closing my eyes happily, sleepily.

He held me close, his bare arms toned and warm against my shoulders.

We stayed there in each other's arms for a while before getting up and placing everything into the basket and returning up the hill.

He laced his fingers in mine. I decided that was alright.

--- okay so if you lovelies keep reading and commenting, i might post some more later tonight, but most likely tomorrow. thanks again for spending your time reading!! love you all :)   hope you like it so far//       ry xX

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