All I Want

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I was still slightly confused as to why Ashton hadn't told me about Aria before then.

And, to be honest, it worried me a lot.

Why was he going to the store anyways? Was he going to see Calum, or someone else...? I don't think I had told him about my working there yet, so he wasn't just visiting me. I guess I did owe it to him for not telling him earlier.

I snapped out of my daze and realized I'd been staring at some kid a few aisles across from the counter and flashed him and awkward smile. There was only 10 more minutes until we packed up the store and went home. Calum had tried talking to me when business was slow, but we didn't dance. We turned up the music sometimes, but Aria was around.

It felt weird thinking about her now or looking at her. As if knowing about her past made her somehow more intimidating. If that was possible.

"Alright, time to close up shop," Aria walked around from the corner of her office with the keys and her phone in her hand, eyes glues to the screen. The bell at the door jingled the same way it did the day before.

"A chariot, for my lady,"

Before I could even lift my head, I felt my eyes and ears light up at the sound of his voice and the quiet giggle behind it. He grabbed my hand and kissed it gently before pulling me into him. I stood with smiling eyes just taking in his presence.

He leaned down and pecked my cheek, causing me to smile and blush at my feet.

"Alright, you two, go on then." Aria joked from the door with her keys jingling near the lock on the door. The awful burning that had kept me thinking from earlier flamed inside my chest and I grabbed Ashton's hand and led him to his car. I climbed inside the passenger side and unintentionally slammed my door out of built up frustration. Ashton opened the door beside me and slid in behind the wheel.

He looked at me with a deeply and noticeably confused expression and ingited the gas, spinning the wheel so that we pulled onto the road winding through midtown, and ending at my house.

We drove in silence, besides the Panic! At the Disco playing quietly over the radio.

When we slowed to a stop in the driveway, neither of us moved for a moment. The stereo turned off when the car did, so only the faint sounds of the waves on the beach interrupted the silence.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and looked at him.

"Let's go inside. Jared and Allison won't be home for a few hours, so we can talk." I opened my door and pulled out my keys, unlocking the front door.

I walked inside and stalked up to my room, not bothering to check and make sure Ashton followed. I knew he did.

I opened the balcony doors and turned on my Kodaline cd. I turned around to find Ashton sitting cautiously on the edge of my bed. Tapping his fingers in rhythmic patterns on his knees.

I took a seat next to him and fussed with my fingers, not looking at him yet.

"Wren, what did I do?"

"I don't think you did anthing, actually," I lifted my eyes to his and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Is this about yesterday?"

"I think so,"

He paused for a second, thinking back on all things said the day before.

"Is it about Aria?"

Ding, ding, ding.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His eyes were pleading and full of worry. None of his dimples showed.

"I didn't want to ruin this, Wren! She doesn't mean anything to me!" he looked me dead in the eyes and I knew he was serious. What she'd done had really hurt him. Enough for him to stop loving her.

"Did you love her?"

He waited for a minute and it seemed like he was really desprately searhing for an answer.

"Maybe. At some point. But she didn't love me back."

"You know that I love you back, right? Like, to the moon, and back, even."

He looked at me again and the dimples were there this time. Only small ones, surrounding a lovely smile. He whispered something about forgiveness, and I whispered something back.

He leaned down, with his hand on the back of my neck, and met my mouth with his. He was gentle at first, but pushed it open and I felt his tongue dance its way around mine. I shifted so I could swing my leg over his lap, so I was straddling him. He left breathy kisses behind my ear and lining my collarbone. He carefully flipped me over so that I was lying on my back with him hovering over me.

He was perfection.

Everything about him was flawless.

He smiled into a kiss and lightly grinded down onto me. I could feel his hard-on, but it still surprised me a bit and earned a small squeak from the back of my throat.

"We can stop if you want," Ashton paused, and asked nervously, unsure of how he was doing.

What he didn't know was that he was doing great. Oh, what the hell.

I reached over to the table beside my bed and dipped my hand into the shallow drawer, finding a small package and holding it in front of my eyes, which admired the very existence of the being in front of me.

He held my hands and made sure I was okay the whole time. He moaned whispered 'I Love You's'. All I Want played in the background and really, he wasn't the only perfect thing. I think the moment was perfect.

And he was all I wanted.

So we fell asleep to another screening of Dirty Dancing, and the feeling of adrenaline pumping through our veins.

k sorry this chapter is absolutely terrible omigod . ive had writers block all day. okay goodnight love you all.    ry xX

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