Easily Good Charlotte

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Each song they performed was amazing. I was left speechless when they wrapped up and started messing around again.

“So, on a scale of One Direction to Green Day, how punk rock are we?” asked Michael quizzically.

“I'd say... Easily Good Charlotte.” I replied, trying to keep a straight face.

“I'll take it.”

I had moved to the couch to get a better view of them earlier. Ashton sat down between me and the edge and Luke on the other side of me. Michael plopped down onto the bean bag and Calum pulled up a chair from across the room. Drinks had returned to their places in our hands.

“So do you play any instruments, Wren?” Calum asked, taking his seat. Someone had turned on Nickleback on the speakers.

“Um, I play guitar, piano, ukulele, and tuba. I sing a bit too.”

“No way, that's awesome!” Luke said in response.

“I didn't know you were all musical and such,” Ashton said in my ear, feeling his warm breath tickle my neck.

Goosebumps lined my skin.

“I didn't know you'd care to know,” I said back, trying to resist the urge to turn my head and kiss the smile right off his face. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and I'd been leaning against his hip, but I felt him start to tense up a bit so I shifted slightly.

He started to get up.

“I'm gonna go use the restroom real quick.” He darted up the stairs and into the house.

When I looked over at the other guys again, they were all giggling uncontrollably.

“Hey, what's going on!” I shoved Luke until he finally stopped laughing and looked at me.

“It seems as though Ash was having a hard time controlling his feelings for you,” he said, a smirk growing on his face.


“I mean, we knew he liked you an awful lot, considering the way he won't stop talking about you, but I guess our assumption has been confirmed.” they all started laughing again; Calum eventually falling off of his chair and rolling around on the floor.

I guess I hadn't even thought of that. I mean, I've thought of it, but never of him feeling the same way.

As soon as he came back down the stairs, the boys returned to their previous spots and Ashton's face was a bright shade of maroon.

“Sorry.” he muttered under his breath. He sat down in his old seat, replacing his arm around me.

“Don't be.”

I snuggled against his arm, allowing him to wrap both arms around me and engulf me in his warmth. We earned quite the stare from the boys.

“So... Are you guys actually a thing then?” Calum asked, breaking a forming awkward silence.

My mind went completely slate. What were we considered?

What does Ashton consider us?

But before I could get a word out, Ashton spoke for me.

“As far as I'm concerned, absolutely.”

Lets be honest; my heart basically fell through my rib cage at that statement. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back with a smile, completely content with his response.

--- AMOST CAUGHT UP. shout out to the poeple keeing up with me posting lol

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