Car Ride

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The two days passed quickly and were full of food and music and reading. I had packed everything into only a few boxes that were

stacked beside my sheetless bed. It was Thursday afternoon and Allison and Jared were a few minutes away.

I was more excited than I should have been, but there was no use containing it.

I'd been texting more with Ashton, Luke, and Michael over the last couple days.

I checked my phone again while sitting on the couch with Henry watching Sponge Bob. I heard the engine pull to a stop outside and assumed Allison and Jared were here. I peeked out the window and saw a very pretty, young couple. Probably only in their early or late 20's. I called to Jenette and Jeremy and started to open the door.

“Hello!” I said as the two approached the entryway. I heard Jeremy and Jenette start to pick up boxes from behind me. “Come on in for a minute while we load things,”

I followed Jenette with three boxes that I sat carefully in the back of the bright blue jeep. I walked back into the house and picked up Henry as I hugged him. After setting him back down, I thanked both Jenette and Jeremy generously and gave them a friendly last embrace before climbing into the jeep with the Kleins.

Promptly after shutting the doors, Allison turned on the radio and started babbling on about the house and the beach.

“You'll have the entire upstairs to yourself,” she explained. “Your room has a balcony overlooking the beach. I think you'll like it. We live on the beach, but the city is only a couple miles through the marketplace and neighborhoods. We have a second and third car as well, so you'll usually have access to this one.

“And, Wren?” I was paying attention, but she seemed like she had something important to tell me. My eyes widened a bit. “I was a teenager not that long ago, and so was Jared. So, it being summer, we want you to really enjoy yourself. Really. We're pretty low key about things around here. And we won't be around the house often because of work... But we'll always make ourselves available if you need anything. Sound agreeable?”

“That sounds wonderful! I really appreciate that.” I said. It’s amazing to have all this freedom I guess, but unfortunately, unsocial little Wren will probably spend her days singing horridly throughout the empty house and reading. Still wonderful, none the less.

She smiled pleasantly at me before turning back around and turning up the music. It felt good having them place so much trust and respect in me.

The car ride wasn't nearly as long as I'd expected and it went by rather quickly. Both of them had pretty good taste in music and I was quite impressed. I think this summer will be a good one.

---okay, so the reason i'm posting so often and so much right now is because i've written almost 55 pages of this story on a word document and i'm copying and pasting it all. and it is nowhere near finished at 55 pages yet. but please continue reading and voting bc it means a lot that anyone is reading these at all. :)               QOTD: Favorite band excluding 5sos?

                                                AOTD: either Panic! At the Disco, or Black Keys, or Blink, or OMIGOD SO MANY I CANT CHOOSE UGH okay comment yours bc thats what the cool kids do

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