Lose Me

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                                                            Dirty Paws- Of Monsters and Men

I went to work the next morning at the record store. I tapped on the glass of the locked door for Calum to come and open it for me. He told me that my workshirt was in the back room so I tossed it on and walked back out to the front. He said Aria would be out today, so it would be just us.

The day was pretty slow. A few girls came in around noon, and a couple of college guys came in a bit after that. When no one was around, Calum and I played the over head speakers really loud while dancing around the store and not really doing anything productive. But there was nothing productive to be done I guess.

It was about 3:25 and no one had come in for about and hour so we turned up Blink 182 and begain to sing the lyric loudly and danced energetically around the entire store, not caring if people outside could see us or hear us. We were both laughing hysterically until our stomachs hurt and we collapsed onto the floor near the stage.

The bell jingled at the door.

We were both still giggling and out of breath when we quickly stood up to see a petrified Ashton at the door, looking a pale shade of normal. Our laughter burnt out and was replaced by an unidentified form of guilt building inside my stomach.

His eyes darted quickly between Calum and me. They looked hurt and glistened a bit.

He opened his mouth, as if to stay something, but instead turned and walked back out of the store.

"Ashton!" I cried, crashing through the door after him. I ran to catch up to him and pulled at his sleeve, stopping him from continuing. He refused to look at me, so I cupped my hands around his cheeks and moved his head so he looked directly into my eyes. I could tell we were both on the verge of tears.

But what for? Me and Cal weren't doing anything.

"Ashton, what's wrong? What did I do wrong?" I whispered, my hands shaking against his face and my legs burning from standing on the tips of my toes.

"Why didn't you tell me you were working there?" he looked almost angry and sad at the same time.

"I didn't know it would be such a problem," I said, taking a step back and releasing my hands from his face.

"It- It's not, it just kind of hurt not knowing and then walking in on you and Calum, of all people, having such a great time" he was running his hands through his hair now. "And to top it off, Aria is your boss, which is just peachy."

What did Aria have to do with this?

"What does that even mean, Ashton? Calum and I are nothing, and we were just bored and trying to have a good time! Plus, who cares if Aria is my boss, she seems cool!" I was frustrated at this point; why was this such a big deal?

"Because, Wren! Do you know who my last relationship was with? Aria. And do you know why it ended? Because it turns out she'd started sleeping with Calum after he started working at the store with him. So, it's just a little scary for me, because I don't want to lose you like I lost her. And especially not to Calum." he had cooled his jets a bit after ranting like that, and a flood of overwhelming realization and connection washed over me.

I stepped forward before he could say anything else and wrapped my arms around him tightly. He hugged back and rested his head in the crook of my neck, leavning a light peck at the curve of my shoulder.

"You won't lose me, Ashton."

okay, more later, sorry for waiting so long. and this chapter kind of sucks, im sorry lol. okay peace out fam, love you all!     ry xX

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