And I Like You

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Now, because no one can deny that school can be boring and relentless, I will give you a brief overview of how the few months I'm skipping went:

 Many lunches spent forming sexual inside jokes with Luke, Cal, and Mikey, a few hundred hours of several teachers droning on about whatever they thought would be relevant on the particular day and then assigning homework so that we could prove that we were listening to their nonsense. I continued to work at the vinyl shop, and Ash and I regularly visited the music store across the street; countless days were spent admiring every single element of Ashton and not a single one was ill- spent.

Then it was a wintery fall; in the beginning of July.

Ashton had texted me earlier informing me that I must attend that night's band practice-- there was important news apparently.

So I drove the Jeep over to Michael's after dinner and padded down the stairs to the basement. The guys all looked up at me from the couch when I appeared in the doorway and their eyes were filled to the brim with glee.

"Hey..." I set my scarf on the desk in the corner and began shedding my coat. "What's going on?"

"Darling, will you please come sit?" Ashton pulled me to the couch and I sat in his place while he stood.

All of the boys stood and formed a short line in front of the coffee table. They were starting to worry me.

"So yesterday, I got a call from the mananger of the band Hot Chelle Rae," Luke started in. I felt a swarm of butterflies swell in my stomach.

"And I guess they're coming to Australia in about a week to tour here," said Calum.

"They found us through the internet and Luke's YouTube I guess, and..." Micheal mumbled through his shirt sleeves.

Ashton came around the coffee table and kneeled beside me.

"They asked us to open for them on their tour, Wren." Ashton whispered at me. I sat still, unsure of whether the feeling I had was happiness and excitement or sadness and worry.

"Wren? Isn't that great?" Ashton questioned, nervously. His eyes were searching mine, looking for approval.

I finally smiled and breathed a laugh.

"Guys, that is amazing. I'm so proud of you." I hugged Ashton and he rose from the ground with me in his arms, twirling me as I nestled my nose in the crook of his neck.

We had gone home later that night and had our own celebration, courtesy of Ashton's empty house on account that his family had gone to visit his grandparents for the weekend.

Blink-182 played softly on the cd player on his nightstand. He traced circles on the back of my hand that layed spread across his bare chest. I stared at the ceiling, thinking about the future. He stared at me, though it would have only been my outline in the muted darkness .

"How long will you be away?" I asked.

"We leave in two days and won't be back until the last week of school." We both sounded echo-y and distracted. I'd guess we were distant because it was easier than being drenched in grief.

"That's a really long time to miss a person."

"Tell me about it,"

"Are you sure you want to be tied down while you're out on tour? With all the groupies and what-not?" I turned so that I lay facing him and propped my head up on my hand.

"Just because I'm further away doesn't make me love you any less." he kissed my knuckles and then my cheek.

"I'll still wear your ring,"

"I'll still love you more every day."

"I love you and I like you," I said sneakily. Then errupting into giggles.

"Wow, Wren. Why is it you always have to go and ruin the moment with a quote from Parks and Rec?" he said, surrendering to laughter as well.

"I do though! I love you and I like you!" I smiled and watched his dimples become slightly more shallow.

"I love you and I like you."

just for some clarification: yes. they did the dirty  *smirk face*  sorry I am just kind of afraid to write smut soooooo no thanks, lol. BUT wait there's more. ALSO, if you haven't already noticed, this is written in her past tense perspective as if she's telling the story to a thing. That is on purpose, bc of stuff at the end so don't ask

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