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At the Bau

Third person Pov

"Looks like Hotch is interviewing someone." Reid says. "Do you think she's nice?" Penelope asks, looking up into Hotch's office. "She looks hot." Derek says. "Morgan!" Penelope slaps him. "Ow what!"

As the three idiots continue to bicker and make fun of each other for the next few minutes, the BAU's communications liaison, Jennifer Jareau, quickly made her way out of her office. She stopped by Gideons office really quickly and told him something. Gideon got up and got his Go bag immediately. "Looks like we have a case?" Morgan says. JJ quickly walks into Hotch's office.

"Sorry to interrupt. We have a case." JJ says. "Okay. JJ this is Emily Prentiss. Emily this is our communications liaison, Jennifer Jareau.

"Hi nice to meet you" JJ says. "Nice to meet you too." Prentiss says. "We should get going." JJ says and Hotch agrees, grabbing his go bag.

"Do you have a go bag on you?" Hotch says. "No, I'm sorry." "That's fine, i have some extra clothes that you can borrow." JJ says. "Thank you." "No problem."

"Thanks JJ, let's get going. Welcome to the team." Hotchner says.

"We have a case. Wheels are up now. It's a big one." JJ says to Garcia, Reid, and Morgan. "Where we heading?" Morgan says. "Ooo lemme guess, Florida?" Reid adds. "We're heading to the big apple." JJ says. "Oh yikes." Garcia says.

"Have fun my lovely's!" Garcia says as they all pile onto the elevator and Garcia goes and sits in her office. This was her least favorite part. All of her co workers leaving to go on cases and all she can do is sit and wait for them to call for help finding out information about victims.

The team sits down on the jet and the jet takes off. "Guys, Emily Prentiss, Prentiss this is Spencer Reid, Jason Gideon, Derek Morgan, and you've met JJ." "Hi nice to meet you all." "Nice to meet you too Emily. How was it being undercover?" Reid asks. "It was great, but I missed being actually me so I'm glad to be here."

Garcia pops up on the screen and they were ready to be briefed. JJ handed out the case files and started briefing. "Two days ago in New York City, 2 people were shot with a .44 caliber in their homes. Today 2 more victims, Eryk Steve's and Lacy Pedersons, were killed in there homes as well. Police have not found a connection between any of the four victims. The unsub has written the number 12 at all 4 of the crime scenes."

"Maybe it's a taunt at the police. 12 being the number that represents the police." Reid says, "do we have a geographical range?" "All in Manhattan." Garcia says, typing away at the computer. "Garcia check if any of the victims had any relation to the number 12, old addresses, current ones, job address, what did they work as?" Prentiss asks.

"New person! Hello I'm Penelope Garcia! Very excited to meet you. Over a screen." Garcia says. "Hello Penelope. Very nice to meet you to. Over a screen." She laughs. "Um... victim 1, Jason Clarkson was a dentist, married, #2 Andra Jacks, was currently unemployed, single. #3 is a worker at a gym, was also single. And #4 worked as a hostess at a restaurant."

"I am not finding anything 12 related in the victims lives." Garcia says. "Well then what could the number 12 mean besides a taunt at the police?" Morgan says. "Maybe the number 12 is special to the Unsub?" JJ says. "If it's a taunt at the police. We should be careful sending the police out to the crime scenes." Gideon says.

"They still have to do there jobs." Morgan says. "Safely." Gideon adds.

"That's right. When we land, JJ head to the police station to set up, Derek and Gideon i want you both at the 3rd victims crime scene. Reid go to the M.E's office and Prentiss, you and I will head to the 4th victims crime scene."


Three hours later

Hotch and Emily are back at the police station after visiting the crime scene. Gideon and Morgan are talking to the families and Reid is developing a geographical profile.

"Hey, how's your first day going." JJ sets down a cup of coffee for Emily. "Kinda stressful, but you all seem fun." She laughs. "Yeah, i remember my first day, I never wanted to say anything but I was too scared of being wrong. But profiling is a group work. You'll be just okay." JJ says. "Thanks. I needed that, and this." Emily says with the coffee.

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