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1.5 weeks later
November 21st
At the BAU

Emily's POV

"Prentiss catch!" Derek throws a football at my head and I catch it. "Reid!" I pretend to throw the ball at him and he ducks for his life. "Where is everyone." I say as I set my stuff down at my desk.

"Rossi is trying to teach Pen how to play chess, Pen keeps getting mad everytime Rossi beats her but then plays the same exact move everytime.... It's getting sad." Derek laughs, "Hotch is doing paperwork and JJ is in her office going through cases."

"Nice. You think Rossi will let me in on a game?" I ask. "Penelope isn't moving until she wins. So she might be there for a while." Reid says. "Hey have more faith in my baby girl." Derek glares at him. "Sorry." Reid raises his hands defensively and I laugh.

I sit down and start to sign off on cases. "Prentiss why haven't you been in JJ's office lately? You two okay?" Derek asks. "Yeah, just too crowded in there." I say and get back to my files. I notice derek and Reid glance at each other but I decided to ignore it.

JJ has been ignoring me since Portland. Dramatic if I do say so myself. She stays professional but she won't go out of her way to talk to me if she doesn't have to. Which is fine I guess. I guess that's what I get for trying to be a friend.

A few minutes later I notice a man walking into JJ's office. Unfamiliar.

"Is that Tyson?" Reid asks. "Yeah, I saw him pick JJ up the other night." Derek says. "He doesn't look how I would expect him to." Reid said. "Yeah, something's off about that guy." Derek says. "Tell me about it." I scoff.

He was about 6'3, looks like he could be Dominican or something. He looks like a fuck boy. I get the attraction tho.

They come out of her office. "Guys this is Tyson, Tyson this is dr. Spencer Reid and Agents Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss." JJ says.

"Nice to finally meet you all." He shakes all of our hands, mine last. "Emily I've heard so much about you." He says. "Surprising." I smile and glare at JJ. She rolls her eyes and grabs his hand. "I'm gonna introduce you to Hotch and Rossi." She says and takes him to Hotch's office.

"Penelope might throw a chess piece at your head watch out!!" Derek says.

— 30 minutes later

They left for some time for lunch and JJ just returned, no Tyson. I get up and follow her into her office.

"So just like that? We aren't friends?" I ask as I close the door behind us. "Emily you could not even let me be happy for a second." She says putting her stuff down.

" Because he was bad for you, if he was actually a good man, I wouldn't try him to pull him away from you." I say. "He  a good man! He just has a dark sense of humor."

"It's not even just about the humor JJ!!!!! How can you not see how possessive he's being over you???" "So it's  a problem that he actually likes me?" She scoffs, "Wow emily thanks."

I stop and think for a second.  "JJ why are you being so  insecure????..... You could have any man in the world but you chose a man that yells at you for not answering the phone while you're saving lives? You could do so much better than that." I state.

"Well maybe that's for me to figure out." She says. "Okay, my fault for caring about you I guess."

JJ looks up at me and doesn't say a word. I start to walk out, "wait em." She says softly. "What JJ." I say.

"I miss you." She says.

"Yeah me too." I walk out of her office.


I've known emily for almost 3 months. I've known some of my friends my whole entire life and still, nobody gets me like Emily does. She was right, Tysons bad for me.

I just wish she would understand how lonely I feel. I didn't realize how insecure I am until she just said it. And I know she wouldn't lie to me, she's the only person that gets me.

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