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Emily's POV

How dare she ask me why I care so much. I'm sorry last time I checked friends are supposed to, I don't know, TALK TO EACH OTHER??

I'm so mad I'm sitting at my desk fuming. All I do is care about her and she doesn't even think to return the same energy back. All I do is try to help her and listen to her and care about her. Cause that's what a friend is supposed to do right?

She literally treats me like she can walk in and out of my life whenever she chooses. It's not fair. JJ's right maybe I shouldn't care.

I start to fill out some files but fuck if I can't do this. "I think emily's mad." I hear Reid whisper to derek. "Yeah her veins popping in her forehead." He whispers back.

"I can hear you." I shoot them a look. "You okay?" Reid asks. "Splendid!" I throw my pen down on the desk and I walk to Penelope's office.

"JJ is IMPOSSIBLE." I close the door behind me. "Hello to you to my raven looking darling." She turns around from her computer.

"JJ keeps decided when she wants to talk to me. One minute she wants to be best friends with me, the next minute she doesn't even wanna look at me, and then the next minute she says she misses me. I'm sorry! Is this a new thing that friends do??? Is this a trend that I'm missing because if so Penelope Garcia you get on the internet and shut that shit down." I point at her.

"Breathe." Pen says, while she motions for me to inhale and exhale slowly. "Now, tell me more." Pen says.

"And then! She wants to ask me why I care so much. She said that I don't question my other friends like that but it's just because I thought me and JJ WERE CLOSER THAN THAT," I start to get mad again, "we talk everyday for two months.. pen we were PRACTICALLY inseparable. Then she gets a boyfriend, stops talking to me because she doesn't like that i don't like him, and then she still picks and chooses when to be my friend all the while saying that she misses me???? And of course I'm the great friend that waits and listens and constantly lets her treat me like shit, like I don't know does she think I'm a shitty person or something? I just want to be there for her and she won't let me. GOSH I can't believe she asked why I care so much."

"Why do you care so much?" Pen asks softly.

"Oh no, not you too." I groan and roll my eyes. "No I'm just saying like... you and derek are also really close, he doesn't talk to you everyday but you never get angry with him." She raises her eyebrows.

"W- well because Derek's ??? He's derek !! Who cares." I say defensively.

"And JJ... is JJ... who cares?" Pen says.

"But JJ is not just JJ that's the thing............ oh god." I drop my jaw.

"The aha moment is coming just wait." Pen says.

"Oh god... no no no no no. Do I like JJ?" I put my hand over my mouth.

"It's almost here." Pen laughs.

"Pen this isn't funny I have feelings for JJ and I didn't even know!!!"

"You my lovely raven haired sweetheart, just had an aha moment." She smiles.

"Pen this is not good." "Maybe it is?" "No it's not Pen we work together!!!!" I start pacing.

"Hm I wonder where I've heard that before." I hear her mumble sarcastically, but I decide to ignore that cause it has nothing to do with me.

"I have to go, I need retail therapy or something this is too much." I leave and open the door and I'm met by JJ rushing in. My heart practically stops.

"We have to go, we have a case. Penelope you're coming with us it's in Los Angeles." JJ says.

"Did you happen to hear what was just going on in here?" Pen asks. "No, let's go wheels are up now." JJ says and walks away.

"The walls are soundproof Garcia you know that." I say. "I know I just had to make sure."

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