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Two months later
November 5th
At the BAU

*Gideon has left, Rossi is now here*

Emily's POV

I have been working here at the BAU for 2 months now, and safe to say it has been the best 2 months of my life. Everyone is so sweet, about a month ago a famous agent David Rossi came back to work with us.

I've really gotten to know everybody, especially JJ. We are best friends now. I'm sitting in her office currently with her filling out reports.

"I hope one day Hotch is just like 'just kidding! These reports are stupid' and we never have to do a single one of them again" JJ says. "Hotch? Aaron Hotchner ? I don't think he has ever been kidding in his life, or even told a joke." I laugh.

"I'm an FBI agent not a comedian if you would like me to stand here and tell knock knock jokes let me know." Hotch says standing in the doorway and we both laugh.

"Yeah tell us a knock knock joke Hotch." I say. "Knock knock." He says. "Who's there !!!" We both say enthusiastically. "A case, let's go." He says and we get up from the desk.

"Nothings come across my desk." JJ says. "It came through me." He says. We get up and JJ holds back for a second. "I'll be right there, Tyson's texting me." She says. Tyson is JJ's new man. He's cool but he can be a bit too much sometimes.

We file into the BAU room and start discussing the matters of the case. It's come to light that a female is sexually assaulting and killing victims.

"But how is a girl doing all of this?" Rossi says. "She may be intersexual." Reid states.

I froze. I'm intersexual and no one knows. Absolutely no one except for my parents and the 1 guy I dated for 2 months until he broke up with me when he found out I had a penis.

This was going to be a tough case.

————— 7 hours later

"Hey what's up?" You've been quiet today." JJ says coming up to me. "Um, nothing.... This whole job is just getting to me right now. It's all so messed up." I state. I do feel this way, but that's not what's wrong. I just tend to struggle with my identity sometimes.

"Yeah, we've all been there, I'm sorry em. Is there anything I can do to help?" She asks. "I don't think so, thank you tho." She nods and starts to walk away.

"Wait JJ..." I say. "Yeah?" She stops. "Do you ever struggle sometimes with like.... Who you are ? Kind of like an identity crisis type of thing."

"Um... well I struggled a lot with that when I graduated college, and then again when I first got this job... I guess I'm still trying to discover more of who I am every day." She smiles.

"Yeah. I guess I just don't like not knowing, ya know?" I look down.

She furrows her eyebrows a little bit. "Why don't you start with the things you do know? Your name is Emily Prentiss, you care for yourself and others, and you are very gifted in your field... And you suck at bowling."

"I do not!" I throw a pencil at her and laugh. "Surprised that pencil came anywhere near me considering your aim with a bowling ball is terrible." JJ says.

"I'm not that bad!" I pout. "The ball went into the other lane!" She laughs. "The other lane shouldn't have been there!!!" "Here you go."

We both laugh and I smile, "thanks JJ." "Anytime."

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