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Adrienne sat next to the pool at the resort the following morning reading her book when she felt someone splash water at her, making her squeal.

Chris laughed at her squeal as he watched her jolt to a sitting position in her blue bikini. He rested his head on his hands on the side of the pool as she removed her sunglasses to look at him, "come in."

She shook her head, "no thanks." She watched Chris shrug as he pulled himself out of the pool where she sat, watching the water running down his chest and torso. She looked up to see him watching her watch him, making her blush as he came to stand next to her.

"You can get in, or I can force you to get in."

She laughed as he sat on the chair next to hers, "you wouldn't." She heard him laugh as she watched him raise one eyebrow as if he waited for her to test him.

"You wanna bet?"

She set her book down on the side table as she sat up, her legs over the edge of the chair right in front of Chris. "You can't just let me sit here and read?"

He laughed, "how about we have fun now and then we have lunch together. And then you can come back to my room with a balcony overlooking the ocean where you can feel free to read the rest of the afternoon without your sister, or me, bothering you."

She smirked, "I could just go to my room and read."

He nodded, "sure, but your sister can get to you there, can't she? I'll let you hide in my room. If you spend the day with me."

She scoffed, crossing her arms as she watched him smirk, "there's that charm again." She sighed, "fine. It better be a nice view."

He laughed, standing up as she mirrored him, "something tells me the view will be made all the better by you."

She laughed, feigning gagging, "really laying it on thick." She heard him laugh, about to say something but she pushed him into the pool before he could get anything out. She laughed, jumping in after him as he came back up from under the water, brushing his hair out of his face.

Chris laughed, "rude."

She laughed as she shrugged, "you told me to have fun. That was fun."

He nodded as he made his way to her, "oh yeah?" He smiled at her giggle as he wrapped his arms around her, "I can do that too."

Adrienne squealed, "no! Don't do it!" She felt her face blush as his face hovering inches from hers.

"Kiss me and I won't."

She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck, moving her mouth closer to his as she heard his breath hitch. She smirked, "do it." She heard him chuckle, not having time to think as she felt him toss her away from him, sinking under the water.

He watched her come up from under the water with a smile on her face, brushing her hair back with her hands, "really? You rather that than kiss me?"

Adrienne shrugged, "I'll go get dressed for lunch? Meet you in the lobby in an hour?"

He nodded as she swam to the edge next to him, planting her lips on his cheek before she got out. He watched her wrap a towel around her as he climbed out of the pool.

She smiled, "you still got your kiss."

He laughed, "not what I meant, but I'll take it. I'll see you in the lobby."


"Where are you going?"

Adrienne was stopped by her sister and friends in the hallway as she left her room with her bag, "having lunch with that Chris guy." She rolled her eyes at the woos and small cheers. "Grow up guys."

Lucy smiled, grabbing her sister's arm before she could walk away, "I'm proud of you. Putting yourself out there."

Adrienne nodded, "I don't know when I'll be back. But I'll check in later so you know he hasn't murdered me or anything." She smiled as she heard her sister laugh as she walked away.

Chris watched Adrienne step off the elevator in a pink sundress, her hair half pulled back with small braids. She met him with a smile as she approached him, "you look beautiful Adrienne."

She blushed, nodding as she looked at Chris in his white slacks and blue linen shirt, "you look okay too." She smiled at his laugh as he offered her his hand. She sighed, accepting it as he walked them to one of the many resort restaurants.

Once they were seated, Chris looked at Adrienne. "Drink?"

She nodded, looking at the waitress, "margarita on the rocks."

Chris smiled, "same." He watched her, "so. What do you do Adrienne?"

She shrugged, "I was working for a giant PR firm in New York. I had some things happen and I'm sort of taking a sabbatical." She laughed, "I guess that's a fancy way of saying nothing at the moment."

He nodded, "but you do PR and Communication."

Adrienne nodded, leaning back as their drinks arrived and they ordered food, "yeah. Thinking of moving back to Maine."

"Right. Maine is where you're from? But you're living in New York? What happened that made you quit?" He smirked, "or take a sabbatical."

She sighed, figuring she would have to talk about it eventually. She groaned, "I was engaged. Was supposed to get married this year actually. But my fiancé, Jake, he um, passed away from a car accident 6 months ago." She groaned again, seeing the pity in his eyes. "Ugh. That's why I don't want to move back to Maine. Everyone looks at me like that, pity. Feeling sorry for me. I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me Chris."

He nodded, "okay. Well I'm sorry about your fiancé." He sighed, watching her eyes welling up with tears as she turned away from him. "So if you don't want to go back to Maine, are you going to stay in New York?"

Adrienne shook her head, "I can't. I can't stay there. I just don't know where to go. Suppose I'll have to find a job." She huffed a small laugh, "what about you? What is it that you do?"

Chris smirked, "I'm an actor? I make believe for a living." He smiled as he watched it wash over her.

"Fuck. I knew you looked familiar." She laughed, shaking her head, "I can't believe the idiot I've been. Having lunch with fucking Captain America!"

He laughed as he leaned towards her, holding his finger to his lips, "not so loud. Still want to come hide out in my room away from your sister?"

She laughed, "I do."

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