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"There you are, was wondering where you disappeared to."

Adrienne laughed at her sister as she entered their room, "I couldn't sleep. I went to Chris's room to apologize and ended up staying the night."

Lucy nodded, watching her, "okay. Coming to the spa with us today?"

Adrienne hesitated, but nodded, "after breakfast right? I'll meet you there. Having breakfast with Chris."

Lucy groaned, "this trip was supposed to be about us girls." She brought her hand to Adrienne's hair, "after the wedding I don't know when I'm going to see you again. You're spending a lot of time with Chris."

Adrienne sighed, "you told me to put myself out there, that's what I'm doing. And why do you think we won't see each other?"

Lucy shrugged, "because you won't move back to Maine. Do you know what you're doing?"

"No! Right now I'm just trying to move on from Jake! I'm trying to sleep with a great man without thinking about Jake! Without feeling guilty about Jake! I have no idea what I'm doing or where I go now!"

Lucy groaned again as Adrienne began to cry, kneeling on the ground. Lucy knelt on the ground next to her, wrapping her arms around her, "I'm sorry sweetie. I know you're trying. I just miss you."

Adrienne nodded, "I know. I'm sorry I've been MIA."

"It isn't your fault Addy. I can't imagine if it had been Chase. I love you. And I see how much Chris has helped bring you out of your shell. I just want to spend some time with you too."

She nodded, "I know. I love you too Luce. I'll meet you at the spa after breakfast and I'll spend all day with you."

Lucy nodded, standing up as she held her hand to her sister, helping her up as she pulled her into a hug.

Adrienne chuckled, "I'm supposed to be the older sister."

Lucy laughed, "it's okay to let other people take care of you sometimes."


Chris stood up as he watched Adrienne approach him, her eyes more green than normal. She had been crying again. He waited until she sat down, "are you okay?"

She nodded, "I'm fine. Just had a talk with my sister. We're going to the spa after breakfast."

Chris smiled, "okay. Still planning on staying over tonight?"

Adrienne smiled, "I'd like to. So Scott is here with you? You have any other siblings?"

He nodded, "I have two sisters too. A niece and two nephews. Is Lucy your only sibling?"

"We actually have a younger brother that graduates from NYU this year, James."

Chris smiled, "and is he moving back to Maine when he graduates?"

She shrugged, laughing, "no idea." She hesitated, "so tonight. Can we have dinner in your room? Just us?"

He leaned towards her, "I'd like nothing more."


"You didn't have to walk me all the way here."

Chris laughed at Adrienne as he let go of her hand in front of the spa. He saw Lucy waiting for Adrienne. "Hey, I'm sorry for commandeering Adrienne's time away from you."

She smiled, "it's fine. Thanks for making her smile and laugh again."

Chris looked at Adrienne, running his fingers through her hair, making her blush, "her laugh is my new favorite sound. You ladies have fun, I'll see you later."

Adrienne nodded as Chris leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. She turned to her sister and friends, "come on." She followed them inside where they all got massages.

She sat in the sauna with Lucy, Piper and Alice, aware that they were all watching her, "what?"

Alice shrugged, "you and Chris seem to be pretty serious about each other."

Adrienne groaned, "we've only known each other a few days. Definitely not serious."

Lucy laughed, "right. Have you considered inviting him to the wedding?"

"What?! No way. I just said we don't know each other that well. Why would I invite him to the wedding? I'm sure he doesn't want to travel to Maine to go. No offense Luce."

Lucy laughed again, "no offense taken. It doesn't hurt to ask."

Adrienne sighed, "can we just sit in silence please."


Lucy was sitting, waiting to get her nails done when she started to feel sick. Adrienne watched her, seeing something was wrong, "are you okay?"

Lucy groaned, standing up, "I don't know."

Adrienne stood up, following Lucy as she ran into the bathroom. Adrienne barely had Lucy's hair out of her face before throwing up in the toilet. She heard the other two girls behind her but she shooed them out of the bathroom. "Lucy."

She groaned again, sitting up as she clutched her stomach. "Addy."

Adrienne sighed, "let's get you back to your room. I'll be there after I pay the spa." She held her hand out, helping her sister stand up. She led her to Alice and Piper, "can you guys take her to our room?" Adrienne went to the front desk of the spa.

The woman behind the desk looked at the computer, "your bill has already been paid."

"What do you mean?"

The woman smiled, "someone already picked up the tab."

Adrienne shook her head, "thanks." She sighed, walking to shop in the lobby before heading to the room. She found Lucy laying down on the bed. She tossed the bag at her, "come on."

Lucy looked in the bag, "no. I just ate something that didn't agree with me."

Adrienne crossed her arms, "fine. Then humor me." She heard Lucy groan as she stood up, going into the bathroom. Adrienne sat on the edge of her bed, thoughts racing through her head as she waited for her sister. First her sister was getting married before her, and now she would have a family too. She stood up as she heard Lucy come out of the bathroom, holding up the stick.

"You were right."

Adrienne smiled at her sister, "that's amazing Lucy."

Lucy shook her head, pacing the room, "no. We aren't married yet. You know mom and dad are going to freak out."

Adrienne sighed, grabbing her sister's hand to make her look at her, "as soon as we get home, you can go to the doctor and find out how far along you are. You can hide your pregnancy until after the wedding if you want. Who cares what they think. You and Chase want to have kids right?"

Lucy nodded, tears falling, "of course."

Adrienne pulled her sister to her, "life isn't a race Luce. It'll be fine. I think we all know by now things don't work out the way we want them to. You're going to be a great mother. It will be fine. I love you."

Lucy sighed, "I love you too. Thank you Addy."

She kissed her sister on the head, "of course."

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