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Adrienne went to her room to take a shower after dinner with her sister and the rest of the girls.

"Where you off to?"

Adrienne looked at her sister as she got dressed in a white sundress and flip flops. "Meeting Chris for a walk on the beach."

Lucy nodded, "I watched you guys on the boat. He has it bad. I wanted to re-iterate you not hurting him."

Adrienne groaned, rolling her eyes, "why do you automatically assume I would be the one to hurt him?"

Lucy shrugged, "because you're the one that lost your fiancé six months ago. You're the one that hasn't let another man touch you, let alone kiss you since then. Now you have the possibility of having a fling with, I admit, a more than just mildly attractive man you'll never have to see again in a few days. But what happens if one or both of you catch feelings Addy?"

She groaned again, "we both decided no expectations. Please Lucy, just butt out!" She didn't wait for a response as she grabbed her crossbody bag, throwing it over her shoulder before leaving the room.


Adrienne found Chris waiting in the lobby for her in shorts and sandals and a white linen button down shirt, holding a blanket. She smiled as she approached him, "hi."

He smiled, bringing his hand to her cheek, caressing it with the back of his fingers, "hi." He leaned down, kissing her softly before grabbing her hand, leading her out of the resort towards the beach. "I'm glad you decided to join me."

Adrienne brought her other hand up to his arm, leaning into him, "I wanted to see some more. Even if it's only by moonlight."

Chris chuckled, kissing her on the top of her head as they walked further down the beach, away from the lights and buzz of the resort. He stopped, laying the blanket down. He watched her remove her bag as she sat on the blanket and he sat next to her, "is this okay? I wanted to sit here with you."

She nodded, sitting between his legs like she did on the boat earlier, "it's great. This time without an audience."

He laughed, "well yeah." He kissed her shoulder before resting his chin on it. He didn't wait this time, he wrapped his arms around her waist as she brought her hand up to the nape of his neck, looking at him.

"Kiss me again." She moaned as he obliged, not wasting any time as his tongue quickly found hers. She pulled away, turning to face him as she placed her legs over his on either side of him.

Chris moaned, pulling her to him as he crashed his lips back into hers. He delighted in the small moans and whimpers from her before running his lips down her chin to her neck, kissing and nipping as he felt her clutching to his neck.

She groaned, pushing him away as he rested his forehead on hers, "I'm sorry. I want to. You have no idea. But every time I close my eyes, I see him and I feel like I'm cheating somehow."

Chris sighed, "it's fine. What if you leave your eyes open?" He smiled at her laugh, "I'm kidding. It's fine."

"It's not fine. I want to spend the night with you." She groaned again, "I haven't been with anyone since him. I'm sorry. I'm a mess."

She went to stand up, but Chris pulled her back to him, "I said it's fine. Don't leave Addy. Please." He placed a hand on her lower back, pressing her body firmly to his as he heard a small moan from her. "We can go slow."

She could feel him hard as he pressed her body to his, making her moan. "Okay. Kiss my neck some more?" He didn't bother responding as he pressed his lips to her neck, softer this time. She began to unbutton his shirt, running her hands along his bare chest before helping him shrug the shirt off. She felt his hand on her thigh, traveling up under her skirt, "I want you too Chris." She heard him moan his agreement as he untied the halter top of her dress. She moaned, pulling back to let the top of her dress fall, watching his eyes fall to her bare chest. She smiled as she heard another moan from him as he pulled her fully into his lap, making her wrap her legs around him.

He felt her arch her back as he placed an arm around her to keep her from falling backwards as he trailed his kisses down her chest to her breasts. He moaned as he felt her grinding on his aching cock and his tongue found her left nipple, hearing loud moans from her as he teased it with his tongue before taking it into his mouth. He pulled on it, rolling it between his tongue and teeth as she bore her hips down on him. He grunted, feeling her undoing his pants, feeling relief as she pulled his cock from them. He pulled back, "are you sure? We don't have to."

She moaned, "we really do. I want you." She heard him chuckle as she took him firmly in her hand. She pushed her panties to the side as she lowered herself slowly onto him, eliciting relieved moans from both of them. She moaned, grinding on him, "nipples."

He moaned, turning his attention back to her breasts, moving to her right breast, teasing her nipple like he did the other. He brought his right hand up to her left nipple as he mirrored with his hand, his teasing with his mouth. He grunted, knowing he wouldn't last much longer at her urgency. "Addy."

She heard him moan into her ear as he kissed her neck.

"God Adrienne." His whimper sent her over the edge as she pulled his mouth back to hers in time for her to moan into his mouth, his tongue dominating her mouth as she heard him grunting, releasing with her. "Adrienne."

She groaned, pulling away as she backed away from him on the blanket, tying her dress back up.

Even in the moonlight, he could see the tears forming, the wheels turning. "Adrienne. It's okay. Come here." He held his arms out to her but she stood up, grabbing her bag.

"No. I have to go, I'm sorry. We shouldn't have, I shouldn't have..." She groaned again before rushing away down the beach.

Chris groaned, laying back on the blanket as he watched her disappear down the beach, "fuck."

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