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"Who is that?"

Adrienne shook her head at Chris as she returned to him at his table, "Chase's friend. He's a dick. Don't worry about him Chris. I can handle him."

He nodded, "okay."

Adrienne groaned when she was called up to give her maid of honor speech. She stood next to the head table, looking at Lucy. "I think we have all learned that things don't always go the way we intend them to go. I'm sure Lucy never intended to step into the roll of big sister, but she did. Even with everything going on in her own life the past six to seven months, she was always there when I needed her to be and even when I didn't. She always knows when to meddle. I think we all know about meddlesome siblings." She looked and pointed at Scott as Lucy nudged him on the shoulder. She laughed as she looked back at her sister, "she won't consider it meddling, they never do. She sees it more as pushing in the right direction. Because that's who she is. She sees someone that needs something and she's the first to step in and give that push. Because she's kind and compassionate, and her ultimate goal is just to make sure everyone around her is happy." She looked at Chase, "and Chase? Well, he's okay." She laughed as she heard everyone else laugh, "I'm kidding. I've never seen anyone look at Luce the way I see Chase look at her when she isn't looking. Certainly no one else would be able to handle my moody sister. Love is complicated and the person you're supposed to be with should make you feel like you're at home with them." She looked at Chris to see him smile before turning back to Chase, "so thank you for giving my sister's heart a home. Congratulations to both of you. I love you both so much." She smiled, taking a drink before handing the mic to Ty and sitting back next to Chris.

She saw him smile as she sat down. "How'd I do?"

He chuckled, "excellent. I love you."

She smiled at him, placing her hand on his cheek, "I love you." Once Ty finished his own speech Adrienne grabbed Chris's hand, sighing, "come on. Let's get this over with." She heard him chuckle as he followed her to where her parents were sitting. She motioned to her parents, "these are my parents, Tracy and Mike." She sighed, "this is Chris."

Chris smiled and nodded as he shook their hands, "it's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Wright."

Mike nodded, "same. So you're the one she met on vacation?"

"Um. I am, yes sir."

He nodded again, "so you're the one that preyed on her vulnerability of losing Jake?"

"Dad! That isn't what happened." Adrienne grabbed Chris's hand as she felt him squeeze it.

Mike crossed his arms, "did you tell him you lost your fiancé?"

She nodded, "yes, but.."

"But nothing, then he knew and slept with you anyways. And you let him take advantage of you."

Chris stepped between her and her father as Lucy broke in, "that's not what happened at all dad. Chris had to work really hard to help to break her out of her shell. I would think you would be happy that she's happy again."

"Of course I'm happy if she's happy. I just don't want her being taken advantage of."

Adrienne sighed, not letting go of Chris's hand, "I'm not."

Mike shook his head, "it just seems too fast."

"I don't think it's too fast. I know Jake would be happy seeing them together."

Adrienne turned to see George standing behind them, "thank you George."

He nodded, placing his hand on her shoulder, "of course. I know how much you loved Jake. I know it couldn't have been easy for this young man. Even if he is Captain America."

She laughed, "you had to tell him that, didn't you?" She felt Lucy grab her other hand as George laughed.

Lucy sighed, looking at their parents, "things don't always go the way we think they are going to go. Or the way we want them to go." She motioned for Chase to stand on her other side, "Chase and I are having a baby." She leaned to Adrienne's ear, "go dance with your boyfriend."

Adrienne nodded, kissing her on the cheek as she walked away with Chris. She watched him walk up to the DJ before walking back to her.

"I picked a song. I hope that's okay."

She nodded as they walked onto the dance floor with other couples as song began, "of course." She felt him place his hands on her back, pulling her to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his chest.

🎵 There you stand
Open heart open doors
Full of life with a world
That's wanting more
But I can see
When the lights start to fade
The day is done
And your smile has gone away
Let me raise you up
Let me be your love
May I hold you
As you fall to sleep
When the world is closing in
And you can't breathe
May I love you
May I be your shield
When no one can be found
May I lay you down
All I want is to keep you safe
From the cold
To give you all that your heart
Needs the most
Let me raise you up
Let me be your love
May I hold you
As you fall to sleep
When the world is closing in
And you can't breathe
May I love you
May I be your shield
When no one can be found
May I lay you down
All that's made me
Is all worth trading
Just to have one moment with you
So I will let go
Of all that I know
Knowing that you're here with me
For your love is changing me
May I hold you
As you fall to sleep
When the world is closing in
And you can't breathe
May I love you
May I be your shield
When no one can be found
May I lay you down🎵

He leaned down to her ear, "may I love you. May I be your shield."

She smiled, looking up at him, tears in her eyes as she felt him press his lips firmly to hers. "I love you."

He rested his forehead against hers, "I love you Addy."

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