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****4 months later****

"Do I look okay?"

Chris looked at Adrienne in her dark blue romper and heels, "you look beautiful love. Are you nervous?"

She nodded, "a bit. Yeah. This is the first time you're taking me out with you publicly."

"It'll be fine. I have something for you."

She watched him open the drawer of his nightstand in the hotel, pulling out a small flat box. He smiled, handing it to her. She sighed, accepting the box. She opened it to find a blue topaz necklace with a gold chain, "Chris. It's beautiful."

"It's your birthstone." He grabbed the necklace from the box, placing it around her neck as she held her hair up. He kissed her on the neck as he clasped it shut.

She turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I love it. Thank you so much." She pulled his lips to hers quickly, "come on. We have to go."

He nodded, putting on his brown jacket with plaid cuffs. "Thank you for coming with me Addy. These things make me nervous, so I'm glad to have you come with me."

"Of course. I'm happy you want me to come with you."

He smirked, "oh yes. Very much happy about showing you off love." He smiled as he heard her giggle.


Chris sighed as the car stopped at the carpet. "There's a lot of lights, try not to look at them. Just stare off into the distance and try not to focus on them."

Adrienne nodded, "okay. Promise you won't let go of my hand."

He nodded, placing his hand on her cheek, "I promise I won't let you go until we get inside the building."

"Okay. I'm ready."

He got out of the car, turning back to help her out of the car. As soon as she stepped out of the car, she saw the lights, feeling a little overwhelmed as she felt Chris grab her hand firmly. He leaned down to her ear, "just breath and stay with me."

She nodded as he guided her along, standing with her to take pictures. He leaned down, kissing her on the head as she followed him through his interviews.

'Who do you have with you today?'

Chris smiled, "this is my girlfriend, Adrienne."

The interviewer smiled, 'the infamous woman on the beach?'

Chris laughed, "yes."

'Is that how you met?'

Chris smiled, "that's all I'll comment about my relationship. Happy to answer any questions about the movie though."

The interviewer nodded, 'fair enough. But it's safe to say that Chris Evans is off the market?'

Adrienne smiled, squeezing his hand, "definitely." She saw Chris smile at her as he leaned down, kissing her on the head once more before they were ushered inside.



She nodded as she laid in bed with her head on Chris's chest. She felt him mindlessly running his fingers up and down her arm, "yeah?"

"Can we talk about something?"

She sat up, nervous as she pulled the blanket up around her, "of course we can."

He smiled, sitting up with her, "how was today?"

She shrugged, "it was fine Chris. Not as bad as I was expecting it to be."

"Good. So now you're being acclimated into my work life. I loved having you with me today."

She nodded, reaching out to grab his hand, "I loved being with you. What's the matter?"

"No." He shook his head, "nothing is." He brought his hand up to her necklace before running his fingers along her arm, "everything is really great. You're moving in, and I love you so much Adrienne."

She nodded again, sitting between his legs, facing him as she brought her legs up on either side of him the way she did that night on the beach, "I agree. And I love you too."

He smiled, wrapping his arms around her, "sooo."

She giggled, "sooo what Chris?"

He sighed, "I know you were engaged before. You still want to get married again?"

"Are you proposing?"

He laughed, "no. You'll know when I do. I'm just wondering that if when I do, you're going to say yes."

"Oh, I see." She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I would say yes Chris. Of course I would. I love you so much. I know things haven't always been so easy for us; some of that is because of me. But I love you and I want to be with you Chris." She saw the smile on his face at her answer as she pulled his lips to hers.

He moaned as he felt her kiss becoming more urgent before she pulled away. "I'm so glad. I have to say I was a little worried. I didn't want to scare you away."

She laughed, shaking her head, "no way. I'm done hiding and running away. I want to be with you Chris." She heard him moan again as she crashed her lips into his once more as she straddled him, lowering herself onto him urgently.

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