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Adrienne heard a knock on her office door, looking up to see Chris peek his head in. She smiled, "Chris. Hi." She stood up, meeting him at the door as he entered, "come in. Come in." She shut the door behind him as she crashed her lips against his. She giggled as she heard him moan before pulling away, "what are you doing here?"

He sat in the chair opposite her desk as she sat back down. "I realize I may have been a little insensitive the other day. About Jake. I wanted to apologize. I love you Addy."

She put her hand up, shaking her head, "it's fine. You're not completely wrong. I've never let you fully in. Even though I want to. But you have to know that I am trying. I mean I moved to Boston to be with you. I love you Chris."

He nodded, standing up to lean against her desk next to her chair, "I know you're trying. I'm sorry."

She shook her head, standing up as he wrapped his arms around her, "thank you."

"That's not the only reason I'm here." He sighed, "my mom keeps asking when I'm bringing you for dinner."

She laughed, looking up at him, "okay. I said we could."

He nodded, "good. Because she wants you to come over tonight. That's why I'm here, to take you to dinner."

She looked at the time to see it was after five. "Okay." She looked down at her pencil skirt and button down blouse, "I don't have time to change?"

"You look beautiful. Come on."

She nodded, "fine. Give me a few minutes."

He nodded, going to the door, "okay. I'll go talk to Ryan for a few minutes."


"My mom already loves you. Don't be nervous."

Adrienne nodded, sighing as they entered Lisa's house, "we only interacted for a few minutes."

He laughed, "yeah and she said she loved you."

"Okay. Scott's here, right?"

"You bet he is."

She turned around as Chris took her jacket, "Scott!" She heard him laugh as she wrapped her arms around him. She hit him in the chest as she pulled away, "for someone that doesn't live far away, I never get to see you."

"Well you don't have to hit me!" He laughed as she hooked her arm in his as he led her into the house.

Chris followed them, "so I've lost my girlfriend that easily?"

Adrienne laughed as Scott led her to the kitchen where Lisa and their sisters were.

"Adrienne. Nice to finally have you over for dinner."

She smiled at Lisa, accepting a hug from her, "sorry. Your son has been commandeering all my time." She looked at Scott next to her, "Chris, not this one. This one never comes to see me anymore." She smiled as everyone laughed.

Chris nudged Scott out of the way as he introduced her to his sisters. He kissed Lisa on the cheek, "hi mom. Thanks for having us over for dinner." He sighed, "and Adrienne would have been happy to come sooner. I was keeping her away from all of you."

Lisa laughed, "should we be offended that Scott is the only one to spend time with her?"

Chris groaned, "no no." He heard Adrienne laugh beside him.

"He's just ashamed of me is all." She squealed as she felt him squeeze her side as he kissed her on the cheek.

"You know that isn't true."

She sat at the table where he motioned between him and Scott as they began to eat dinner.

"So you met on vacation?"

Adrienne looked at Chris's sister Carly, "yeah. That's right. I was there with my sister and two of her friends. Sort of a girls vacation before she got married. I was sitting and reading on the beach when somebody," she nudged Scott, "somebody threw a frisbee at me. Thus making Chris try to catch it and failing."

"You're welcome."

She looked at Scott as everyone laughed, "yeah so we all sort of became friends over the week."

Chris squeezed her thigh, "and the rest is history."

Adrienne laughed, "well don't lie to them. They helped me out of a dark time and Chris and I fell pretty fast. So once we left the island we decided to take a break to see if we still felt the same." She looked up at Chris smiling, "which we did. We do. But it certainly isn't always easy. But we're working it out."

Chris nodded, "we are." He leaned over, kissing her on the forehead.


They sat in the living after dinner, talking, "Adrienne, will you play something for us?"

"Mom. She doesn't like being put on the spot."

Adrienne smiled at Lisa before looking at Chris, placing her hand on his thigh, "it's fine. I'll play something." She sighed before sitting at the bench of the piano in Lisa's living room.

🎵 Oh, I'm obsessed
With the way your head is layin' on my chest
How you love the things I hate about myself
That no one knows, but with you, I see hope again
Oh, I'm a mess
When I overthink the little things in my head
You seem to always help me catch my breath
But then I lose it again
When I look at you, that's the end
And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes?
Butterflies can't stop me fallin' for you
And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before
You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I found the one I love
And I love the way
You can never find the right things to say
And you can't sit still an hour in the day
I'm so in love, let's run away because us is enough
And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes?
And butterflies can't stop me fallin' for you
And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before
You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I found the one
Come close, let me be home for anything
Good or bad, I know it's worth it, whoa
And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before
You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I found the one I love 🎵

Chris sat on the bench next to her, resting his head on hers, "I love you."

"I didn't know you were so good."

Adrienne laughed, turning to look at Scott. "I'm not. I used to do it a lot. I sort of lost it this last year." She rested her head on Chris's shoulder, "but I'm working on returning to who I was."

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