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Lucy heard the door to the room slam as she sat in bed watching tv. She heard Adrienne crying. She stood up to find Adrienne pacing and crying in the sitting room, "Addy? What's the matter? Did he do something?"

Adrienne groaned, stopping to look at her sister, "no. I did! I had sex with Chris and it was hot and amazing and perfect. On the beach. Argh!"

Lucy watched her sister begin to pace again confused, "okay? That sounds terrible?"

Adrienne stopped again, glaring at her sister. "All I could think when we finished was about Jake. And what he would say. And how he would feel. I feel dirty. Like I cheated on him."

Lucy groaned, wrapping her arms around her sister as she sobbed, "honey. If you could ask him now, you know he'd just want you to be happy. And you seem like you are." She pulled away, resting her hands on Adrienne's cheeks, "at least when you're not overthinking."

Adrienne nodded, going into the bedroom to lay on her bed.

Lucy sighed, sitting on the edge of her own bed as she watched her sister. "I know you loved Jake. And I know how much he loved you. But he's not here anymore. He would want you to be happy."

Adrienne groaned, knowing she was right. "It probably doesn't matter anymore anyways. He probably hates me. I left him on the beach."

Lucy stifled a laugh, "you had sex with him and then just left him on the beach alone?"

"It's not funny Luce! He probably thinks I'm a fucking lunatic!" She groaned, it turning to a small laugh as she looked at her sister, "half dressed. I left him half dressed on the beach." She laughed at her sister laughing, "shut up Lucy."

Adrienne got up and changed into shorts and a tank top before crawling back into bed.


Adrienne stayed awake staring at the ceiling thinking about leaving Chris all alone on the beach. She groaned, getting up to grab her phone and bag as she slipped quietly from the room.

Chris was asleep when he heard the urgent knocking on his door. He looked to see it just after 1 in the morning. He began to open the door, "Scott, so help me...." He was surprised to see Adrienne standing in front of him, "Addy?"

She pushed past him into his room, setting her bag in his chair as she noticed for the first time he was only wearing underwear. "Um."

Chris chuckled, crossing his arms as he watched Adrienne's eyes. "Adrienne."

"Sorry!" She looked back up to his eyes to see him smirking at her. "I wanted to apologize for running away earlier."

He shook his head as he approached her, "it's fine. I understand. It sucked. But I understand Addy."

She groaned, feeling him bring his hand up to mindlessly finger through her hair, "it's not fine. I couldn't sleep until I came to apologize. I feel awful."

He nodded, "but the sex wasn't awful right? Tell me it was as amazing as I thought it was."

She smiled, nodding, "it was amazing." She blushed at him watching her. "Anyways, I just wanted to apologize." She began to walk away but felt him grab her hand.

"You're here now. Sleep with me? Please?"

She looked to his bedroom and back to him, "I don't know Chris. There's a chance I may freak out on you again."

He smiled, running his fingers along her arm, "that's a chance I'm willing to take. Please."

She hesitated, but nodded and followed him into his room, crawling under the blankets. She felt him slip in behind her, wrapping his arms around her. She smiled at the content sigh she heard from him before she closed her eyes.


Chris woke up in the morning with his arms still around Adrienne. He smiled, kissing her shoulder and neck, eliciting a small whimper.

Adrienne moaned softly, "I'm still sleeping Jake."

Chris huffed, laying on his back, "Adrienne."

She groaned, rolling to face him as she opened her eyes. She jolted up when she remembered where she was. She groaned again, "I said Jake didn't I?"

Chris nodded, sitting next to her, "you did."

She shook her head, "I'm so sorry. You must think I'm broken or something." She went to stand up but Chris grabbed her arm, keeping her on the bed.

"Of course I don't. I think it's hard getting over someone you were in love with. Especially when it was beyond your control, like a death. I think you're still mourning." He ran his fingers along her arm before laying back, pulling her to his chest. "Why don't you tell me about him?"

She looked at him, "really? You're the first man I've been with or slept with since him. I didn't think it would be so hard."

He nodded, running his fingers through her hair. "I know. So tell me about him."

She sighed, sitting up to look at him. "Well. He was a few years older than me. I met him at the agency. Which is why I had to quit, I couldn't take their looks of pity every time I came to work. He was around your height and build. Dark hair and big chestnut colored eyes, kind eyes." She leaned toward him, placing her hand on his cheek, "you have kind eyes." She watched him smile as she sat back up to continue. "He made me waffles every Sunday, letting me sleep in. We would turn on a movie but he would always fall asleep before the end." She looked at Chris, "unless it was Avengers. He loved Captain America. I have a bunch of comic books that were his."

She smiled at his small laugh. "He kept me calm. Some say love is when your heart races and you feel jittery and can't stop thinking about the other person. I think real love is when you feel truly calm with that other person. The heart jumps will fade. But the calm, home feeling never does."

Chris nodded, sitting up with her, pulling her to him. "I feel calm with you."

She sighed, resting her head on his shoulder, "I feel calm with you too. And that terrifies me."

He pulled away to look at her, "why?"

She shrugged, "because I don't want to replace him."

He groaned as he saw tears begin to streak her cheeks, "I don't want to replace him Adrienne. We can have something different that's ours. And I thought we were seeing how it goes. In a few more days we may never see each other again." His words seemed to make her sob worse as he pulled her back to him, "what?"

She groaned, "so then I have you to get over as well."

Chris shook his head, "we said from the beginning no expectations."

She nodded, "I know. I'm hungry. I'm gonna go change and meet you downstairs for breakfast?" She started to get up but Chris pulled her back to him, crashing his lips into hers as she moaned.

He pinned her under him, pulling back to look at her. "Tonight, come over? And don't run away from me this time?"

She chuckled, "okay."

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