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Chris stood with his brother and other two friends, Kevin and Adam as he watched Adrienne walking up to them with her sister and two friends. He surveyed her in a green bikini and green and yellow sarong and green flip flops, making his heart race. Her hair was up and off her neck, a few tendrils hanging in her face in her big sunglasses. "Good morning ladies." He introduced his brother and friends.

"Morning Chris." Adrienne motioned to a girl that looked just like Adrienne but with red hair, "this it my sister Lucy." She motioned to the other two girls, "and Alice and Piper."

He smiled, nodding as she introduced them. He took her bag from him as he held out an arm.

Adrienne smiled at Chris in his swim shorts and blue button down that was only buttoned halfway up, displaying his chest hair, making her groan silently in her head as she hooked her arm in his, letting him help her onto the boat. Adrienne looked around, "this isn't a boat, it's a small yacht."

Chris shrugged as he smiled, "maybe. I wanted us to have a good time. And our friends to be friends."

Adrienne shook her head, resting her hand on his chest, "I hope you know I don't need all this. And it's not why I agreed to today."

He nodded, "why did you agree?"

She smirked, moving her hand to his cheek, "to spend more time with you. But I knew if I blew off my sister again, she would be mad."

He laughed, "I figured as much." He moved away from her, showing everyone around. "There's a kitchen with fruit and pastries and coffee." He looked at Adrienne, "there's two beds below deck as well."

She laughed, blushing as she felt Lucy nudge her shoulder.

"You know. Just don't jump off the boat while it's moving." He heard laughter as he watched Adrienne go down to the kitchen. He followed her to find her getting coffee as the boat started to move. He walked up behind her, "sorry if I embarrassed you. I was kidding."

She turned around to face him, smiling as she placed her arms around his neck, "I know. It's nice to know if we decide we need a place to make out."

He smirked, "make out? We can go now." She laughed as he grabbed her hand, pretending to take her to the bedroom.

"There's that charm."

He laughed, reaching around her to grab a strawberry from the tray of fruit on the counter. He brought it up to her lips, watching them as she took a bite before he put the rest in his own mouth, making her giggle. "I love your laugh."

She nodded, placing her hand at the nape of his neck as she brought his lips to hers, eliciting a soft moan from him as she did. This time she felt his tongue meet hers as she ran her tongue across his lower lip. She felt his tongue teasing hers, tempting it into his mouth. She moaned, obliging as she twirled her tongue with his, feeling him pressing his body against hers, pinning her against the counter.

He pulled away out of breath, "we should probably get back up there before they really think we went to the bedroom."

She laughed, "I want more of that later."

He nodded, "god me too."

She laughed as she grabbed his hand, letting him lead her back to the deck. She removed her sarong, placing it in her bag before laying next to her sister, feeling her grab her hand.

Lucy looked at her sister, "I haven't seen you this happy in a while."

Adrienne looked at Lucy, "he's nice. It's a nice distraction. Rebound maybe."

Lucy leaned up on her elbows, "don't use him Addy."

Adrienne mirrored her sister, "I'm not. I really like him. And he knows about Jake. We decided on no expectations and see where it goes."

Lucy nodded, "okay." She looked at Chris to see him watching Adrienne, "I don't know. He doesn't look like someone that has no expectations."

Adrienne groaned, laying back down, "stay out of it. You wanted me out of my room, you wanted me to put myself out there. That's exactly what I'm doing Luce." She had her eyes closed when she saw a shadow, making her open her eyes to see Chris standing over her, holding a bottle of sunscreen. She sat up, taking it.

"Will you help me Adrienne?"

She nodded, "you can call me Addy if you want." She stood up, following him to a chair. She stood in front of him as he sat down, "I guess you don't need help with the front."

He smirked, grabbing her hand, "do you want to help me with the front?"

She smiled and nodded as he stood up, "I do." She kept her eyes on his as she rubbed the lotion on his chest and torso before rubbing it on his arms. She put a small amount on her fingers, rubbing some on his face, making him laugh as he leaned down, kissing her as she did. She pulled away, shaking her head as she rubbed his shoulders. "Turn around." She watched him smirk as he turned around, rubbing his back with lotion. When she finished, he turned around and she handed it to him.

"Do you need some?"

She shook her head, "I did it before I left the room."

He pretended to pout. "Shame." He brought his hand to the crook of her neck, running his fingers along her neck and shoulder, "take away all my fun then." He hesitated, "take a walk on the beach with me tonight after the sun goes down?"

Adrienne nodded, "okay. Are you going to kiss me some more?"

Chris smirked, "would you like me to?"

She grabbed his hand, "very much so. Sit with me?" She watched him nod as she led him back to where she was laying. He sat, looking out at the water as she sat in front of him, between his legs, leaning back against him.

He felt her rest her head back against his shoulder. He leaned down, kissing her shoulder as she placed her hands on his legs. He placed his hands on hers as he felt her wrap them around her, making him moan softly as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

She felt him kiss her cheek, making her turn her face to his as his mouth found hers urgently, making her bring her hand back to his neck, keeping his mouth pressed against hers as she felt his tongue against hers.

He pulled his mouth from hers, hearing her groan. He kissed her earlobe, whispering, "I want you." He heard a small moan from her as he rested his chin back on her shoulder and they went back to watching the water.

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