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"This room is great, Chris. This whole room is yours?" Adrienne looked around the suite. It had two rooms, a large living area with a couch and chair and big screen tv. There was a bar in the corner of the room next to the door of the bedroom.

"Yup." He led her to the balcony that covered the living area and the bedroom. He opened the sliding door, letting her step out first. He watched her approach the rail as the wind blew her hair about.

"You're right, it is a good view. And I'm sharing my room with my sister."

He laughed as he leaned on the rail next to her, "well feel free to hide out here as long as you want."

She smirked, "well maybe inside, it's too windy to read out here."

He nodded, "fair enough." He left the door to the balcony open as he watched her pull her book out of her bag, sitting on the edge of the couch.

She watched him sit in the middle of the couch, turning on the tv. She laid back, bringing her legs up onto the couch, onto his lap as she pulled her book over her face.

Chris looked at her smooth legs she placed in his lap as he tried not to let his mind race. She wouldn't have done it if she wasn't comfortable with him touching them, right? He sighed, turning on a movie, setting the remote on the table as he looked to see Adrienne still buried behind her book. He looked back down at her legs to her feet, removing her sandals, placing them on the floor next to him. He looked to see her still reading as he rested a hand on her leg, making him groan.

She giggled, pulling her book down to look at him, "do my legs bother you?"

He shook his head, "quite the contrary. But this isn't playing fair Adrienne." He motioned to her legs, bringing his hand hovering over them.

"If I wasn't comfortable with you touching them I wouldn't have placed them in your lap." She smirked at him as he sighed.

"Are you testing me?"

She laughed, shrugging, "maybe I wanted to see what you would do. Just keep your hands below the hem of my dress."

He chuckled, looking at the hem of her dress that fell halfway down her thigh. He hooked his thumb under the hem, pulling it down over her thighs a bit more before placing his hand on her thigh and she went back to reading her book.

Adrienne tried to read her book as she felt Chris mindlessly running his right hand up and down her leg, his left hand, firmly placed at the hem of her dress. She hadn't been touched by another man in six months. Not since Jake. She groaned, sitting up, yanking her legs back over the couch as Chris turned to look at her apologetically.

"I'm sorry."

She shook her head, "no. It's my fault. I'm sorry." She groaned, "I'm really trying. It's harder than I thought it would be."

Chris nodded, knowing what she meant. "Okay. How about I go and sit in the chair and you can sit on the couch, or lay down. Whatever you want." He saw her nod and lay down as he stood up. He grabbed a blanket, placing it over her as she smiled. He felt her grab his hand, making him turn to her.

"Thank you."

He smiled, "it's no trouble. I like having you here." He went and sat in the chair as he watched her go back to her book. He went back to watching his movie, hearing soft snoring from her after a while, making him chuckle. He watched her for a minute before standing up to set her book on the table. He heard a small whimper as she turned to face him. He leaned down, brushing away hair that fell into her face before going back to his chair.


Adrienne woke up to her phone ringing from her purse. She jolted up, forgetting where she was, waking up in a semi dark room that wasn't hers. She saw him come out of his bedroom and she remembered where she was, "I fell asleep?"

Chris nodded, "yeah. A few hours ago." He pointed to her bag, "are you going to get that?"

She groaned, pulling her bag into her lap as she heard her phone go silent. "It's just my sister. I told her I would check in so she knew you didn't murder me or something."

Chris laughed, "well you should do that before I murder you. Lowers suspicions." He smiled at her laugh as he watched her text on her phone, "do you need to get back? Want me to walk you back?"

She thought for a minute, "after dinner?"

He nodded, "sure. Just you and me?"

Adrienne stood up, "if that's okay? Maybe we could have dinner here and watch a movie?"

Chris smiled, "I'd love that. Let me text my brother so he doesn't come looking for me."


After they finished eating, Adrienne rested her hand on Chris's next to her, "I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have put my legs on you. I do things that I want to do, but then it somehow feels like I shouldn't be doing it because I think of him and I second guess myself. I'm trying to move on. I don't mean to send you mixed signals."

Chris shook his head, bringing his hand to her cheek, "I understand. It's completely fine. Really. Whatever you're comfortable with is fine."

She nodded as she felt him linger his hand on her cheek, running his thumb across her lips before dropping his hand, looking back at the tv.

"We can just watch the movie and I'll walk you to your room?"

She nodded again as she leaned back on the couch next to him.

Chris smiled as he felt her grab his hand, interlocking their fingers as she rested her head on his shoulder.


"What are you doing tomorrow?" Chris stood outside Adrienne's room with her.

She shrugged, "I don't really know, why?"

"I want to see you again?" He chuckled, "I can charter a boat? For my friends and yours. Would that be okay?"

Adrienne nodded, "I think they'd love that." She held out her phone, "phone?"

Chris smiled, obliging her with his phone as he watched her put in her number, texting herself from it.

"Message me a time and place and we'll be there."

He nodded, taking his phone back, "okay. Goodnight Adrienne."

She watched him hesitate before starting to walk away. She grabbed his hand, "Chris?" She waited until he was facing her, "I think you forgot my kiss."

He smirked, nodding as he brought a hand to her cheek, running his thumb slowly across her lips first before leaning towards her. She closed the distance, feeling him press his lips firmly to hers. She brought her hand to the nape of his neck as he took a step towards her, their bodies now pressed against each other as he rested his other hand at her waist. She felt him part his lips as she ran her tongue softly across his lower lip before pulling away. He smiled, resting his forehead against hers, "I hope I get more of that before you go home."

"You will. Goodnight Chris."

He smirked, kissing her cheek, "goodnight. I'll see you in the morning."

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