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"Can you tell?"

Adrienne looked at her sister for her last fitting a few days before the wedding. She stood in front of the full length mirror, looking at her stomach. "No Lucy. You can't tell at all. You look beautiful. How do you feel?"

Lucy shrugged,"mostly fine. I'm not feeling as sick so much. I don't know what we're going to do about toasts and what not."

Adrienne shook her head, "I already made sure they know to serve you and Chase sparkling cider. And if by accident you get a champagne, I will take care of it."

Lucy sighed, nodding, "thank you. You really are the best."

"It's my job as maid of honor to make sure everything runs smoothly. Speaking of, mom noticed there are two extra seats at the singles table. She was asking who they are for."

Lucy shrugged, "some friends of Chase's he wanted to invite last minute. Tell her it will be fine and not to worry about it. It's our wedding, we can invite who we want."

Adrienne laughed, "I'll be sure to let her know that. Are they confirmed to come?"

Lucy groaned, "well don't say it like that. And yes, they've both rsvp'd." She turned around so Adrienne could unzip her.

Adrienne watched her go into the changing room, pulling closed the curtain, "don't worry, I'll be much more polite when I say it. I won't say it like a moody pregnant woman." She laughed as she heard Lucy groan.

"Have you heard from Chris?"

Adrienne sighed, "no. You know there's pictures of us on the beach that have been circulating? He hasn't commented on them."

"What?!" Lucy came out of the dressing room as Adrienne handed her her phone for her to see the photos of her and Chris kissing on the beach, "well at least you can't see your face. And maybe he's waiting to see how you feel before he comments on them."

Adrienne stood up, nodding, "I guess. I'm not even sure what I'd want him to say anyway."

Lucy crossed her arms, "wedding is in a few days. You agreed to talk after the wedding. How are you feeling?"

She groaned, "that I miss him. And I feel guilty for missing him. And I feel insecure it's been radio silence. I want to message him, but what if he's changed his mind?"

Before Lucy could say anything, Adrienne's phone rang. She listened to the one sided conversation.

"This is her."
"Um, I didn't a..."
"Really? When?"
"Sure! Thanks! I'll see you next week."

Lucy watched her sister, "who was that?"

Adrienne shrugged, "someone wanting to interview me next week."

Lucy nodded, "that's great. Where?"


"What?!" Lucy grabbed her hand, "have you been applying in Boston?"

Adrienne shook her head, "no. I haven't. He said he found my LinkedIn and pulled my name from there."

Lucy nodded, smiling, "so you're going to Boston next week? Are you going to see Chris?"

"Of course I am. If he wants to see me."

Lucy laughed, "of course he will. He hasn't changed his mind Adrienne."


Scott heard Chris groaning as he looked at his phone, "what now? Not more pictures."

Chris sighed, "yes. More pictures. My team wants me to make a comment on them, on the girl in the photos. But I don't want to until I talk to Adrienne. I don't even know how she feels yet."

"Two more days. You said you'd talk about it after the wedding, right?"

Chris nodded, "yeah. We'll see."

Scott smiled, "you still feel the same?"

"I do. But I'm worried she'll have changed her mind. We haven't talked. I didn't want to message first and her not feel the same." He sighed, resting his head back. "Even if she does, I don't even know where she is going to be. She doesn't even know where she is going to live."


Chris looked at his brother, seeing the guilty look on his face, "wellllll what? What did you do? Did you meddle?"

Scott nodded, "maybe a little. Ryan told me they were looking for someone for a PR and marketing position. I may have told him I knew a woman looking for a job that did just that. I gave him her number. Now it's up to her. He's not flat out giving her the job, but he agreed to see her."

"Here in Boston?"

Scott smiled, nodding again, "here in Boston. Are you mad?"

Chris shrugged, "only if she decides not to take it. That would mean she doesn't feel the same."

"Well then you should know she's agreed to come to Boston for the interview next week."

Chris sat up, "she did? So she's going to be in Boston next week?"

Scott nodded, "apparently. Yes. You don't think she would agree to the interview if she wasn't interested in you or moving here, do you?"

Chris sighed, shaking his head, "I guess not. Thank you Scott."

"What was that? Did you just thank me for meddling?"

Chris laughed, "this time. Yes. Unless of course it all blows up in our faces and then you're going down alone."

Scott laughed, "happy to take the fall on this one."

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