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"Lucy!" Adrienne opened the door of Chris's house to let in Lucy and Chase, wrapping her sister in a hug before hugging Chase. She laughed when Scott pushed her out of the way to hug Lucy.

"Okay okay." Lucy pushed everyone off her as Chris entered the foyer, grabbing her bag and kissing her on the cheek. She smiled, "see, this one knows how to say hello to a pregnant woman."

Chris laughed, "how are you feeling?"

She shrugged as she followed him into the house, "good." She stopped and looked at him and Adrienne. "And how's it going here?"

Adrienne smiled, "it's good. I've only been here two weeks. Just started the new job." She looked at Chris, "a little disappointed you're going back home when Chris leaves. So I'll be here all alone."

Scott feigned being offended, "I'll be here."

"Me too."

Adrienne smiled at Tara as she came in from the kitchen, "Tara, this is my sister Lucy and her husband, Chase." She watched as they greeted each other. "We just ordered pizza for dinner."

Once everyone was eating, Lucy leaned towards her sister, "so have you talked to mom and dad since the wedding?"

She groaned, "no. Not since they found out I was moving to Boston. I talked to James though. Apparently him and Cara are getting serious and she's from Boston. So he might be looking for jobs here." She nudged Lucy's shoulder, "if I can get you guys to move here, we'll really piss off mom and dad."

Lucy laughed, "come on. We aren't that far."

Adrienne rolled her eyes, "fine. So, how many weeks are you guys now?"

Chase thought for a moment, "fifteen. Sixteen. We find out the sex next month."

Adrienne laughed as she heard Scott squeal across the table.

He shrugged, "I love babies. Who doesn't love babies?" He hesitated, "you know who else loves babies..."

"Scott!" Adrienne and Chris laughed as they shouted out in unison.

He ignored them, "our mom. That's all."

Adrienne laughed as Chris threw a breadstick at Scott.

"Let's not rush them."

Adrienne looked at Lucy, "thank you."

Lucy shrugged, "maybe they'll be ready when we're ready for number two and we can be pregnant and miserable together."

Adrienne groaned, "can we stop talking about babies now."


Lucy sat with her sister on the couch after Tara and Scott left. She pointed to the piano, "does Chris play?"

"He does." They looked up to see Chris enter the room with Chase, sitting at the piano. "I haven't played for you yet."

🎵In fairy tales love lasts forever
They say true love is all you need
Well I don't know bout loving forever
Or if you and I are meant to be
There are things in life I need
There's a world that's calling me
I will give you everything
But could you share this love if you traveled the world
Share this love, be my only girl
Share this love, take a journey with me
I'll give you everything
Could you share this love if forever is true
Share this love, spend it all with you
Share this love, we were meant to be
I'll give you everything
If some nights you're alone
And I can't kiss your cheek
Will you stay by my side
Or will it change everything
There are things in life I need
There's a world that's calling me
I will give you everything 🎵

"Adrienne plays."

Chris turned on the bench to face Lucy, "so I've been told. Haven't had the pleasure of hearing her yet though."

Adrienne groaned, "Lucy."

She shrugged, "I haven't heard you play in forever either Addy. She used to play with Jake."

Adrienne sighed, "stop." She looked at Chris, "you said I could play when I'm ready."

He nodded, holding his arms out for her to sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her, "when you're ready. I won't pressure you."

She looked at Lucy, sticking out her tongue, making her laugh, "thank you." She looked back at Chris, "you're really good too. Must be something you're not good at." She laughed as he pretended to think about it.

"I'm not sure there is."

She rolled her eyes, hitting him on the arm before standing up.


Chris heard Adrienne sigh as she laid next to him the night before he had to leave, "what is it?"

She sat up, "I have to say I'm more than just a little apprehensive about sending you away tomorrow Chris."

He sat up with her, smirking, "because you'll miss me?"

She groaned, "of course I will Chris. But that isn't what I mean."

He shrugged, "okay. What do you mean then?"

She sighed again, "before when I had to say goodbye, I wasn't sure how I felt. Now I am sure. Now I know I want to be with you. And I know you feel the same, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can break old habits easily."

Chris groaned, "are we doing this again?"

She stood up, pulling on his t-shirt, "I'm feeling insecure and jealous and scared Chris."

"I know. But how can you learn you can trust me unless you let me go and prove it to you?"

She nodded, "I know. I know. It's just, it took a lot to move on. I'm still moving on from Jake. I'm still working on letting you in. I need to know it isn't a waste, that you aren't going to hurt me."

He groaned again, standing up to wrap his arms around her, "I won't. I promise."

"I want this Chris. I don't want playboy Chris who sleeps with random women simply because he can." She pulled away to look up at him, "have you ever cheated on a girlfriend before while you're away for work?"

"Addy." He laid back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, "yes." He sat up, watching her, "but not in long time. That was when I was younger. I wouldn't do that to you. And yes, I may have taken advantage of my name or status more than a few times for one night stands. And I always feel like shit afterwards." He held his arms out to her as she sat back on the bed between his legs. "I don't want that, I want this. I want to come home to you and only you. But I need you to trust me."

Adrienne nodded, turning to face him, placing her legs on either side of him as she rested her forehead against his, "okay. I trust you. But one inkling of you slipping into that old life and I'm gone Chris."

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