Twenty-Six - Final

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She sat on the couch a few months later, reading on the couch in her sweats, wrapped in a blanket. She heard Chris yelling for her outside where he was with Dodger. "What? For fuck's sake." She got up to go to the patio door, opening it to find Chris on the patio with red rose petals scattered all over the snow, kneeling in the middle holding a ring box. "What are you doing?!"

"Adrienne." He opened the ring box as she knelt in the snow in front of him. "I know it's been less than a year since we met, and it may seem fast to outside people. But I've known since the moment you lowered those big sunglasses that you were going to be my home. Will you marry me?"

She looked down at the princess cut diamond engagement ring before looking back up at Chris. She placed her hands on his cheeks, "I love you so much Chris. And I knew from that moment you would be my home too. You've always made sure I know how much you love me and want me."

He nodded, "I know how much you've worked to let me in; something you continue to do everyday. I love you too. You haven't answered me though."

She laughed, "you didn't let me finish." She grabbed the ring from the box, slipping it on her finger, "of course I will you dork." She heard him laugh as he pulled her to him, kissing her passionately. "Can we go inside now? My legs are cold."

He nodded, laughing as he stood up, pulling her up with him. "I've been out here longer than you."

She laughed as they got into the house and she took off her slippers and wet pants, "yeah, you yelling scared the shit out of me."

He watched her getting undressed as he took off his own wet pants, "what are you doing?"

She smirked, "taking a nice warm bath." She motioned to the clothes as she dropped her bra and panties in the pile, "pick this up, will you?" She heard him laugh, knowing he was watching her as she walked away towards the bedroom.


"Right.. about.. here."

Adrienne laughed as she watched Chris lay a blanket in the sand. She sat next to him, "here?"

He nodded and smiled, "yup. This is where we met. Right here."

She laughed, leaning over to kiss him. She let out a small moan as he pinned her under him on the blanket. "Chris. We're on a crowded beach."

He nodded, hovering over her as he ran his fingers through her hair, "sorry Mrs. Evans."

She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I like hearing you call me that."

He laughed, "me too. Look at us, we've come full circle."

"We have. I have to tell you something."

He nodded, sitting up, "hold on." He opened his bag, pulling out a bottle of wine and two solo cups.

She laughed as she watched him pour some into each cup, handing her one. "Chris."

He shook his head, "wait. I love you Adrienne, and I'm so happy I get to call you my wife now and..."

She sighed, pressing her finger to his lips, "stop talking." She handed the cup back to him, "I can't have this." She watched him for a moment, letting it sink in. She giggled when she saw the smile creep across his face, "I'm pregnant Chris."

"You are?!" He poured the wine into one cup, setting it off to the side. He heard her squeal as he pinned under him again on the blanket. " I love you so much. I'm so happy Addy. How long have you known?"

"Since just after the wedding. I wanted to wait until we were here to tell you."

He looked down at her stomach, resting his hand there. "I can't wait to raise babies with you."

She laughed, "well, Baby Evans is due in roughly six to seven months." She giggled as she felt his against hers once more.

~~The End~~
I loved this story. Thank you to everyone that took the time to read and leave comments and likes. 💙

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