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Chris heard the knock on his door, opening it to find Adrienne, "hi." He could tell she was upset again, "what is it?"

"Um." She sighed as she entered his room, "Lucy is pregnant."

Chris smiled, "that's great!" He looked at Adrienne, "it's not great?"

She smiled, "no. Of course it is. It's great."

He nodded, "but..."

She sighed, "no. Nothing. Let's just have dinner." She turned to face him, "by the way, don't think I don't know that you were the one that paid our spa tab."

He chuckled, "consider it a wedding gift to Lucy." He grabbed her hand, "you're upset about Lucy being pregnant?"

Adrienne shrugged, "yes and no?" She groaned, sitting on the couch, "I'm happy for her, I really am. She's going to be a great mother, I know it. It's just a little bittersweet I guess. Losing Jake and seeing her have everything I thought I would have. I feel awful. I'm an awful sister."

Chris shook his head, kneeling in front of her, "no. You aren't love." He ran his fingers down her arms, "it's understandable you would feel that way. You could never be awful."

She smiled, "you're very patient with me. Why?"

He shrugged, "I like you. I'm drawn to you. I told you." He leaned towards her, "you make me feel calm." He felt her close the distance, crashing her lips into his, making him moan. He pulled away, "let's have dinner first." He smiled at her smirk before he stood up. "Burgers ok?"

She thought for a moment, "tacos? And tequila?"

He laughed, nodding, "you got it."


After they ate, Chris set the bottle of tequila on the table between them. "Want to play a drinking game to get to know each other?"

Adrienne chuckled, "what game?"

He set a shot glass in front of them both, pouring tequila in them both. "I take a shot and ask a question, you answer or drink. I get to keep asking until you answer and vice versa."

Adrienne nodded as Chris smiled.

Chris took a shot. "Where do you see your self in 5 years?"

She hesitated, "ask me that a year ago, I might have had a different answer. Now? I don't know Chris. In 5 years I just hope to be as content as I can be. Hopefully be in a relationship with someone that feels like home."

Chris smiled and nodded, "and a year ago?"

She shrugged, "I would have hoped to be married with a kid or two." She nodded, "my turn." She took a shot, "when was the last time you had a one night stand?"

Chris huffed, flustered, "ok." He thought for a moment before taking his shot.

She laughed, "oh I see how it is." She poured them both new shots. "Have you ever hooked up with more than one woman in 24 hours?"

Chris shook his head, "what are these questions?"

She shrugged, "it was your game Christopher."

He groaned, "I have. Yes." He shook his head before taking a shot. "Would you ever consider moving to Boston."

She laughed, "really? I don't know. If I was offered a job there, maybe." She took her next shot as she thought of another question. "Have you slept with anyone else here while on vacation besides me?"

He shook his head, "of course not. There hasn't been anyone but you since I saw you laying on the beach, reading your book." He smiled at her smile as he took his shot before his next question. "Why me? I know you haven't been able to open up to another man. What makes me different?"

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