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Adrienne already had Chris's tie undone by the time they made it into his hotel room, unbuttoning his shirt as she locked eyes with him. "God I missed you." Once she had it unbuttoned, she helped him shrug it off his shoulders before removing his t-shirt.

He chuckled, undoing his belt, "I missed you too. It's been a long month."

She nodded, "it really has." She turned around, pointing to her back as she felt him unzipping her dress slowly. He kissed her shoulder, hearing her moan softly, as he undid her bra. He undid his pants quickly, letting them fall to the floor with her dress as she turned to face him. He heard her whimper as he grabbed her thighs, lifting her as she wrapped her legs around him.

He pinned her against the door, kissing her neck to moans.

"Bed Chris." She heard him chuckle, not removing his mouth from her neck as he carried her to the bed, falling on top of her as he did. She giggled, watching him quickly remove his underwear as she crawled back to the pillow before he positioned himself between her legs.

He hovered his mouth over hers, leaning on his arms above her. He kissed her cheek, moving his lips down her jaw to her neck. He heard small yips and moans as he teeth grazed the sensitive skin of her shoulder and collarbone, biting softly.

She felt him grab her hands in his, placing them above her head as he ran his fingers down her arms, her skin like fire wherever he touched. He cupped her breasts in his hands as he trailed his lips to her breasts. She felt him twirl his tongue around her right nipple before taking it into his mouth, rolling it between his upper teeth and tongue. The sensations made her arch her back to him as he mirrored his movements with his hand on her left nipple.

He heard her whimper as she ran her hands through his hair, keeping his mouth in place. He chuckled as he moved his mouth down her stomach to the band of her panties. He felt her buck her hips to him, helping him remove them. He slid them down slowly, tossing them onto the floor before hovering back over her.

"Chris." He brought his hand to her cheek, his lips on hers. She felt his tongue dancing slowly with hers as she felt him ease himself into her slowly. They moaned simultaneously as she gripped his back, keeping his body pressed to hers. His movements were slow and deep as he felt her trail her mouth to his neck. He moaned at her whimper in his ear, her words barely a whisper, "don't stop." He moaned in her ear, nodding as he intertwined his fingers in hers. She felt the fire spreading through her body as he pressed his lips to hers once more. The fire exploded inside her as she gripped his hands in hers, moaning into his mouth as she rode it out, feeling him swelling inside her.

After a few moments, he rolled to his back, panting, "long month."

Adrienne laughed, "me too." She rolled to face him, resting her head on his chest, "no one night stands?"

Chris chuckled, "no. I promised I wouldn't. I only want to be with you Adrienne."

She nodded, running her fingers mindlessly through his chest hair, "just checking. I want to be with you too." She looked up at him, "I want to move to Boston to be with you. Even if I don't get the job next week, I'll find another. I want to be with you."

He smiled, "really?"

She hesitated, "I mean. If that's ok. If you want?" She sat up to watch him, "I'm going a little crazy over here Chris."

He laughed, sitting up with her, "I want that. I definitely want that."

She nodded, "okay. Good." She felt him pull her back to his chest as he laid back down.


Adrienne heard her phone ding as she entered her parents house the following morning. She smiled, seeing a message from Chris.

>No more silence or waiting. I miss you already.
Can't wait to see you next week<

"Where have you been? You missed your sister leaving this morning."

Adrienne sighed, looking up at her mom, "we said goodbye last night. It's fine."

Tracy crossed her arms, "you spend the night with that man?"

"Mom, come on. She just walked in the door."

Adrienne smiled at her brother before running upstairs to her room. Once she was showered and changed she found James sitting on the couch in the living room. She plopped on the couch next to him, "hey. We didn't get a lot of time to talk last night. I miss you." She rested her head on his shoulder.

He laughed, "a little preoccupied with Chris?"

She groaned, "don't you start too."

He shook his head, "no no. I had a chance to talk to him last night. He seems nice. I'm happy for you Addy. I just want you to be happy."

She nodded, "I appreciate that." She looked up at her younger brother, "and you? What are your plans when you graduate?"

"I have no idea." He laughed, nudging her shoulder, "what about you? I assume you aren't moving back here."

She sighed, "definitely not. I'm moving to Boston."

"Boston? What's in Boston?"

She groaned as her parents came into the living room. She stood up, "besides a man that loves me? I'm interviewing for a job there next week."

Mike shook his head, "you're moving to a new city for a man?"

She scoffed, "I moved to New York to be with Jake. He wasn't the only reason, but he was a big part." She paused for a moment, "look, I realize he only died seven months ago. And I've spent the majority of the time holed up in my apartment. Lucy had to drag me on vacation with her and the girls. And I'm glad she did. Because Chris is the first person I've met I feel comfortable being around. I love him and I want to be with him. I know he feels the same. Maybe you're just upset because James is graduating and leaving to do his own thing. Lucy is married, leaving to do her own thing. And now you're upset because you thought I would come back home and I'm not. I'm sorry, but I can't move back here. I've been in limbo for too long. It's time I move on. I would think you would just want me to be happy."

Tracy nodded, sighing, "of course. We're sorry Adrienne. We do just want you to be happy."

Adrienne nodded, "good. Because I am."

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