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"Ugh. Leave me alone!" Adrienne pushed Ty, Chase's best man, as he tried to put his arm around her waist.

"Come on sweetheart. It's the rehearsal dinner, we should rehearse for tomorrow when you're my date."

She rolled her eyes at the obviously already drunk man with his hands on her, "first of all, I am not your date." She stomped her heel into his toes as she heard him grunt, "and don't call me sweetheart."

Ty grunted, "no wonder you're alone, I'd rather get hit by a car than be with you too."

She wound her arm back to hit him but Chase stepped in front of them in time to catch her hand, "I'm sorry my friend is a drunk dick Addy. Just ignore him." He leaned towards Adrienne, "let's not cause a scene and add onto Lucy's already rampant hormones."

She nodded, "keep your frat bro away from me Chase."

Chase nodded, "I will, I'm sorry. I give you full permission to punch him at the reception after the wedding if he's a dick." He pushed Ty the opposite direction, making him stumble, almost falling onto the ground as Chase groaned.

"Always causing trouble."

Adrienne laughed, turning around to come face to face with her brother, "baby brother. There you are. We expected you here sooner. Luce has been freaking out."

James laughed, "well I'm here now. I'm really sorry."

She shook her head as she wrapped her brother in a hug, "it's okay. I'm glad you're here."

He hesitated before grabbing the hand of the blonde girl next to him, "I wanted you to meet my girlfriend, Kara."

Adrienne smiled and nodded, greeting the girl, "hi. I'm Adrienne, the oldest, though it may not look like it. Luce and James here both inherited their height from our father." She motioned to herself, "as you can see, I was not so lucky."

Kara laughed, "well it's nice to meet you Adrienne."

Adrienne nodded before leaving to grab a drink before sitting by herself, watching everyone. Lucy came up to her upset.

"Can you take care of mom please. She's annoying me." She groaned, looking at Adrienne's drink. "Why did I have to get pregnant before the wedding. Now I can't drink."

Adrienne laughed, finishing her drink. "I'll drink for you. Besides, I'm the sad and alone one." She started to walk away but felt Lucy grab her arm.

"You're not going to be alone. Now please, go do what you do best and annoy mom for me."


"How could I have gained weight in only a few days?"

Adrienne sighed at her sister freaking out as she helped to zip up her dress. "You look amazing Luce. Calm down."

Lucy nodded, "are you sure?"

Adrienne laughed, "yes. Okay?" She turned around, "now zip me up."

Lucy laughed, "okay. You look beautiful Addy. You look so good in green."

Adrienne smiled, "I'm just glad it has pockets." She pulled Chase's ring from her pocket, "how awesome is that?"

Lucy laughed again, "just don't lose the ring." She handed Adrienne and the other two girls a box that contained a necklace with a small diamond crusted heart.

"Aww Lucy. This is beautiful, thank you."

Lucy nodded, "your bridesmaid gifts." She grabbed Adrienne's hand, "I have something extra for you. But you have to wait until later."

"Okay?" Adrienne laughed, looking at the other two girls who only shrugged. "I didn't need anything Lucy."

Lucy smiled, "yes you did. Just trust me."

Adrienne shrugged and nodded, "okay. Are you ready? Want me to go get dad?"

Lucy sighed, "I am."

Adrienne kissed her sister on the cheek, "I love you. I'll see you out there." She left the dressing room, shooing the girls out of the room ahead of her before sending in her dad. She sighed, taking her place next to Ty as she grabbed her flowers.

"My foot still hurts."

Adrienne rolled her eyes as they approached the aisle. She smiled, whispering, "stop your whining unless you want the other foot to match."

"You're such a bitch."

She let out a small laugh as they started to walk down the aisle, "feeling is mutual. Now shut up." She heard him huff next to her as they separated at the end of the aisle. She took her place, looking out onto the guests until her eyes locked with the familiar blue green eyes of Chris, Scott standing next to him. She felt her heart jump to her throat as she felt her eyes welling.

Chris shook his head, smiling. He mouthed, "don't cry."

She nodded, looking down before the music started and she saw Lucy walking towards them.

As Lucy reached the end of the aisle, she handed her flowers to Adrienne, leaning to her ear, "you're welcome. Keep it together until we're done."

She chuckled, nodding as she took the flowers. "I'll try." She didn't hear most of the ceremony as she watched Chris watching her. She heard them ask for rings and pulled it out of her pocket, handing it to Lucy. She sighed when it was done and she had to once more hook her arm into Ty's.

"You're such a baby. Why are you crying."

Adrienne didn't bother responding as she took her place in the line of the recessional. She stood and waited as the guests exited one by one, congratulating Lucy and Chase until she saw them. They both greeted Lucy and a surprised Chase. When Chris got to Adrienne, she pulled him away from everyone before throwing her arms around his neck as she felt him lift her off the ground, "I missed you so much."

Chris sighed, "me too Addy."

She felt him set her back down as she brought her hands to his cheeks, "I love you too. Tell me you haven't changed your mind."

He shook his head, bringing his hand to her cheek, "I definitely haven't." He brought his thumbs to the stray tears that streaked her cheeks as she put her arms around his neck. "I love you." He moaned softly as he felt her crash her lips into his.

"Didn't miss me then?"

Adrienne pulled away, laughing as she hugged Scott, "I missed you too. What are you guys doing here?"

Scott shrugged, "Lucy invited us on our last night together."

She felt Lucy come up to grab her hand, "we have to do pictures. There will be plenty of time for catching up at the reception."

Adrienne nodded, turning to her sister, "thank you."

She smiled, "you're welcome." She looked around at everyone watching Adrienne, "now stop taking the attention away from me."

Adrienne laughed, "I'm sorry." She turned back to Chris, "you'll be at the reception?"

"We don't say no to free food and booze."

Chris hit Scott in the chest as Adrienne and Lucy laughed, "of course. We'll see you there."

Adrienne nodded, "okay."

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