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"Chris!" Adrienne squealed as she felt him pin her against his front door, assaulting her neck with kisses. "I don't have time for that right now. I just came to drop off my bag." She felt his dog sniffing her legs, "and to meet him."

Chris laughed, pulling away as he watched her kneel down, "that's Dodger. As you can see, he's very friendly." He laughed as he heard her giggle as Dodger licked her face.

She stood back up as she felt Chris's lips crash into hers, once more pinned against the door as she felt him hard against her. She moaned as she felt his hands cupping her breasts, squeezing gently. She heard him groan as she pushed him away, fixing her blouse as she did. "I told you I don't have time. When I get back, I'm happy to take care of that."

He groaned, nodding as he rested his head against hers. "But you look so hot in your skirt and blouse. Promise I can take them off you when you get back?"

She laughed, nodding as she placed her arms around his neck, "I promise. It's only been a week. My stuff arrive here?"

"Yes. I placed the boxes downstairs until you find a place."

"Okay. Thank you." She nodded, "and I'm meeting the real estate friend tomorrow?"

Chris smiled, "Tara. Yes."

"And Scott?"

He laughed, "he knows you're coming today. I bet you anything he'll be here when you get back."

She smiled, "okay. I missed him. Just as long as he doesn't stay too long."

Chris moaned at her implication, feeling her pull her to him by the band of his jeans. He groaned, "you can't do that to a man before you leave Addy."

She giggled, "I did nothing. I love you. I'll be back."

He nodded, pulling her into one more kiss before she could walk away. He chuckled, seeing her flustered, "I love you."


Chris heard the front door open and shut, hearing Scott shout.

"Where is she?"

He stood up from the couch, laughing as Scott turned the corner into view, "she's at her interview. She'll be back soon."

Scott nodded, "okay. Should I come back later?"

"No no. She said she wanted to see you. It's fine." Chris sat back on his couch, reading, highly aware of Scott watching him. He sighed, "what?"

Scott shrugged, "I don't know. How is it going? She's moving here?"

Chris smiled, "she is. She said she is whether she gets the job today or not. She's meeting with Tara tomorrow."

"Why doesn't she just move in here with you? Why waste time when we all know it's going to happen eventually."

Chris laughed, "for one, we don't know each other that well. We only know each other in the bubble that is the island charm. And two, Lucy said she spooks easy. I don't want to rush and risk scaring her away."  He shrugged, "besides, I want to be able to pick her up and take her out for dates and what not." He stood up, placing his hand on Scott's shoulder, "let's not rush anything. Now are you going to tell her about Ryan?"

Scott groaned, "yes. I will." He rolled his eyes as he heard Chris laugh. "And I don't think you should worry about scaring her away. She's moving here after all."

"I know." Chris nodded as he heard the front door open and Adrienne came into view.


"I see how it is." Chris laughed as he watched Adrienne greet Scott, hugging him. "No love for me."

Adrienne laughed as Scott released her, "you can get your love later." They both laughed as they heard Scott pretend to gag next to them.

Chris kissed her on the cheek, "so how was the interview?"

She shrugged, "good I think." She looked at Scott, "anything you want to tell me?"

Scott sighed, "I might have given your name to Ryan to call you in for an interview. He's a friend of ours. Are you mad?"

She laughed, "come on now. I know you can't help but meddle. It's who you are. So no, I'm not mad. I know you were just trying to insure I'd move to Boston. So, thank you Scott."

Scott laughed, looking at Chris, "she's far too easy going." He looked back at Adrienne, "now when does Lucy come home from her honeymoon?"

"Um. A few weeks. They intend on stopping here before returning to New York." She looked at Chris, "if that's okay?"

He shrugged, "of course it is. Lucy is always welcomed here. So is your brother. I may or may not be here though."

Adrienne nodded, "I know. How long will you be gone?"

"A week? Week and a half?"

She sighed, "okay. We've gone longer, right?"

Chris smiled, "I know. Unless you want to come work on my PR team."

Adrienne laughed, "no way. I think we should keep it separate. You really want me to know everything you've done? All the one night stands and NDA's before me."

Chris groaned as he heard Scott chuckle next to him, "ok. Point taken."

She sighed, placing her hands on his chest, "look. It's fine. I realize you had this whole other life before me. I don't need to know everything. I just need to know that moving forward it's only you and me."

He grabbed her waist, "of course it's only you and me."

"Good. Then I'd rather keep our relationship separate from our work. I'm happy to don on a pretty dress and stand at your side in the future if you want me to. But I can't work for you Chris."

Chris nodded, "okay. I agree." He looked at his brother, "now can you go so I can have sex with my girlfriend?"

Adrienne laughed as she pulled away from Chris, looking at Scott who only rolled his eyes.

"Fine! I'm going! It's good to see you Adrienne. I'm glad I'll be seeing more of you."

She hugged Scott, "me too."

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