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"Another boat?" Adrienne laughed, meeting Chris at the docks after breakfast.

He shrugged, "but this time just you and me. And the captain, but he won't bother us."

She smiled, "you really didn't want any interruptions did you?"

Chris shook his head, grabbing her hand to help her onto the boat, "definitely not. I want you all to myself from now until tomorrow morning."

She walked onto the boat that was a bit smaller than the one from before but there was still a small kitchen and a small bedroom. She giggled, "all to yourself?"

Chris chuckled, wrapping his arms around her from behind, "yes. Just you and me. We should talk, come on." He led her to the upper deck where a table was set up with fruit and pastries for them to look out over the water.

Adrienne sat on a bench near the table as Chris sat beside her, "I don't need you to spoil me Chris. I want to be with you because I want to be with you."

He nodded, smiling, "you want to be with me?"

She laughed, "well I'm here aren't I?"

Chris sighed, "that isn't what I meant and you know it."

She groaned, looking up to seeing him avoiding her gaze, "I know what you meant. What happened to no expectations?"

He nodded, "I know." He grabbed her hand before locking eyes with her, "but come on. Neither of us expected to feel this way. And I know it isn't just me. I know you're confused, and you feel guilty, but you can't honestly tell me that you don't feel what I feel."

"Chris." She climbed into his lap, laying her legs to the side of him as she felt him wrap his arms around her waist. She rested her head on his shoulder, looking at the water, "of course I feel the same. And you're right, I do feel guilty, but I'm trying to work through it."

He sighed, "I know you are. I want to see you when we leave here Addy."

She turned to look at him, "you do? What if the island charm wears off and we decide we don't feel the same?"

"Okay." He nodded, "give it a month. After the wedding. If you decide it hasn't worn off, come visit me in Boston. Or I can come visit you, wherever you are."

She laughed, "you're serious?"

"A hundred percent Adrienne. Give it a month and tell me you don't still feel the same."

She thought for a moment before nodding, turning to straddle him on the bench. "Okay. One month." She laughed at the smile that spread across his face.

"Really?" He brought a hand to her cheek, watching her.

Adrienne nodded, "really. Now take me back down to that bed downstairs." She laughed as he stood up, grabbing her hand to lead her back below deck; the door barely shut to the bedroom before he started undressing. She watched him undress as she undressed herself. "Eager?"

He chuckled, grabbing her by her thighs to pin her against the door, "I'm happy to hide down here all day. I have the boat until late tonight."



Adrienne woke up to Chris nudging her, "how long have I been asleep for?"

He chuckled, "I don't know. A bit. I think you like the rocking of the boat." He stood up from the bed and she noticed for the first time he was dressed in shorts and a button down, "get dressed and meet me up top."

She got up from the bed, pulling on a sundress from her bag before going back upstairs. He had dinner set up on the table with wine as the sun started to set. She sat down, seeing him watch her, "what?"

He shook his head, "no. Nothing. We're just running out of time." He motioned to the sun going down.

Adrienne nodded, leaning over to grab his hand, "I know. It'll be fine. It has to be."

He leaned his head against hers, "I know. Let's eat dinner."

After dinner Chris turned on music, standing to hold his hand out to Adrienne, "come."

She nodded, standing to wrap her arms around his neck as the song played. She groaned, "this one?"

He shrugged, "seemed pertinent."

🎵 Here I am waiting
I'll have to leave soon
Why am I holding on?
We knew this day would come
We knew it all along
How did it come so fast?
This is our last night but it's late
And I'm trying not to sleep
'Cause I know, when I wake, I will have to slip away
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close
Here I am staring
At your perfection
In my arms, so beautiful
The sky is getting bright,
The stars are burning out
Somebody slow it down
This is way too hard, 'cause I know
When the sun comes up I will leave
This is my last glance that will soon be a memory
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close
I never want it to stop
Because I don't wanna start all over
Start all over
I was afraid of the dark
But now it's all that I want
All that I want, all that I want
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close 🎵

Chris rested his head on hers, "tonight I need to hold you so close."

She nodded, pushing him back towards the bench, making him grunt as he fell back onto it as she straddled him. She couldn't control the tears as she crashed her lips into his.

He moaned, running his hands up her thighs, under the skirt of her dress. He groaned, pulling back, "you're not wearing underwear."

She chuckled, shrugging, "I didn't think they'd be necessary. I can't wait to go back downstairs." She heard him moan again as she quickly pulled him from his shorts as she pulled her dress up. She lowered herself on him urgently, both of them moaning. "I'm going to miss you."

He shook his head, "shh." He kissed her delicately as she rocked on him, feeling the tears streaming her face as he did. He brought his hands to her cheeks, making her look at him while he wiped the tears away, "it's only a few weeks. We'll see each other again soon."

Adrienne nodded, "I hope so."

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