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Chris stood with Scott to the side of the bar with drinks while they waited for the bridal party to arrive at the reception when he felt someone tap on his arm. He turned to see an older couple, "hi."

The woman smiled, "I'm sorry for bothering you, but you're that Chris Evans? The one that played Captain America?"

Chris nodded, "that's me. I..."

She shook her head, motioning to her husband, "I'm Ellie and this is my husband George. We saw you with Adrienne. I don't know what she's told you, but we're Jake's parents."

He shook their hands, looking at Scott who only shrugged, "of course. Adrienne has talked a lot about him." He motioned to Scott, "this is my brother Scott."

Ellie nodded, "I saw her with you after the ceremony. I haven't seen her smile like that since Jake passed. It's nice to see, that's all."

Chris smiled, "oh. Well I appreciate that. I love her very much and I know how much Jake meant to her. I'm still working on the smile."

George smirked, "they always had an inside joke about Captain America."


Chris laughed, "no, please. I want to know."

Ellie shrugged, "you know some couples have 'rules' about how long your partner should mourn you when they're gone. He would joke all the time that if anything ever happened to him the only man that would ever be good enough for her would be Captain America."

George nodded, "loyal, honest. Someone who could protect her. She would always laugh, but he was always adamant about it."

Chris laughed, "I can do my best."

Ellie nodded, resting her hand on his arm, "that's all you can do dear."

He nodded as he watched them walk away as they took their seats at the announcement at the arrival of the bridal party.

Adrienne entered the reception with Ty next to her, ignoring whatever he was saying as they took their places at the head table. Once people were sent to eat, Lucy leaned over to Adrienne, "I left a seat at the table so you can eat with him. Or you can send Scott up here with me."

Adrienne smiled, kissing her on the cheek, "thank you." As she made her way to Chris's table, she was stopped by her mother.

"Why did you invite that man here? Don't you think it's a little disrespectful to Jake's parents? Not to mention Jake?"

Before she could answer, Lucy came up behind them, "she didn't invite him, I did. Him and his brother are our friends. And last I checked it wasn't uncommon to invite friends to weddings." She looked at Adrienne, "just go."

Adrienne sat next to Chris as he slid a drink towards her, "hi." She took the drink as he laughed, finishing it quickly, "how did you know?"

He shrugged, pointing to her mom, "that your mom? She doesn't seem happy I'm here."

She groaned, "yeah." She turned to Scott, "Lucy said you could take my seat at the head table if you want, while we eat."


She laughed, grabbing his hand before he walked away, "just make sure she only drinks sparkling cider. Please."

He nodded, "of course."

She turned back to Chris, "yeah. My parents think it's too soon for me to move on. And they're wondering how we could invite you when Jake's parents are here."

Chris shook his head, smiling, "I met Jake's parents. They came up to me. They were very nice."


Chris nodded, "yup. Even told me about how if something happened to him he wanted you to be with Captain America."

Adrienne groaned, putting her head in her hand, "they told you that?"

He laughed, grabbing her chin to make her look at him, "they did." He moved his hand to her cheek, running his thumb over her lips as they turned to a smile, "they said they were happy to see you smile again."

She rested her head against his, "that was nice of them. I missed you Chris. I was worried you may have changed your mind."

"Never. I was worried that you wouldn't feel the same."

She nodded, "I do. I feel the same." She placed her hand at the nape of his neck, pulling his lips to hers. She groaned as she pulled away, "tell me you have a hotel room for the night nearby that you're not sharing with your brother."

He laughed, "not sharing. No. You want to stay with me tonight?"

"God yes."

He laughed again, nodding. "I was hoping you would."

"I'm coming to Boston next week. Will you be around?"

Chris smiled, "I will be. I have press and stuff in a few weeks where I'll be gone for like two weeks. But then I'll be in Boston all summer. And I'll definitely be home next week."

She nodded, "good. I'm coming for an interview. Could I see you?"

"God yes. You can stay with me, if you want? While you're in town."

She laughed, "okay. I'd like that. Maybe I could stay for a few days?"

He grabbed her thigh, "as long as you're okay with dogs."

She smiled, "you have a dog?"

He nodded, "I do. Is that okay?"

She laughed, "of course it is. I love dogs. I realize besides how we feel, we don't really know each other that well."

He shrugged, "we have time. Especially if you move to Boston." He hesitated, "is that something you're wanting to do?"

Adrienne nodded, "very much so." She turned towards the floor and she rested her head on his shoulder as she watched Lucy and Chase do their first dance. When they finished, the bridal party was called to the floor. Adrienne sighed, kissing Chris on the cheek, "I have to go dance with a twat." She heard him laugh behind her as she joined Ty on the dance floor.

"There you are sweetheart. Where you been?"

She shrugged as she rested her hands on his shoulders, "with my date."

He laughed, "right."

She felt him pull her closer to his body, placing his hands on her back. "So help me if you grab my ass, I'm kneeing you in the balls." She heard him laugh as they turned as she locked eyes with Chris. For the first time she saw his eyes dark with anger. She shook her head at him as she continued to dance with Ty, thankful when the song was over.

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