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Adrienne sat at her desk when she got another alert for her phone. It was constantly blowing up now that she put on an alert for whenever Chris was in the news. And since he was on his press tour, he was constantly in the news. She clicked on a link to see him walking a red carpet. She lost count how many times she had already seen him be asked about the 'woman on the beach.' She sighed as yet another interviewer asked him the same question and he answered with the same thing every time.

'I'm not here to comment on my personal life. I'm here to promote my movie. Anything beyond that, I'd politely ask that you respect my privacy at this time.'

She wondered if he came up with it, or his team. Either way it was good; he didn't admit to anything or dismiss anything. She couldn't help but think that these actors were akin to politicians with how they had to answer questions. He called everyday and there was zero buzz about him except for the movie and the occasional questions about her that he avoided. She pulled up her messages, sending one off to Chris with a picture of him on the red carpet.

>Miss you. You look hot. Can't wait to see you in a few days<

As she put her phone away she heard a knock on the door and Ryan poke his head in. "Hey. What's up."

He entered her office, sitting in the chair opposite her desk as he brushed his blond hair out of his face, "just checking on you. I know Chris is gone."

She chuckled, "and how do you know anything about that."

He laughed, "I've been friends with Chris and Scott for a long time. You arriving here in Boston made figuring out who the woman on the beach was pretty easy."

She groaned, "we aren't really ready for anyone to know yet."

He nodded, "I know. Don't worry about it."

She nodded, sighing, "just tell me you didn't hire me simply because you're friends with Scott and Chris."

Ryan stood up, "of course not. I wanted to hire you. But you're okay?"

Adrienne smiled, "I am. Thanks Ryan." She hesitated as she watched him begin to leave, "wait, Ryan?"

He turned back to her from the door, "yeah?"

She motioned to the chair, watching him sit back down, "can I ask about Chris? Like when he was younger? With women, in his 20's."

Ryan groaned, "I don't know what you want me to say Adrienne."

She shrugged, "the truth. How was he with women. I assume he had no trouble in that department."

Ryan laughed, "in high school it was hit or miss. He was, is, kind of a dork. But now he's a famous, rich dork. So," he shrugged, "sure, he had no trouble with women after moving to LA. Not sure what I can tell you without breaking bro code." He smiled at her laugh as he stood up, "look, I also happen to know when he's in love. Which he is. He's incredibly loyal, especially in love. I promise, he isn't the same as when he was 20. Don't worry. Now get back to work."

She laughed as she saw him smile, "okay. Thank you."


Chris entered his house to lights on and someone at the piano. He smiled, reaching the doorway, leaning as he listened to Adrienne playing and singing.

🎵 This year's love had better last
Heaven knows it's high time
I've been waiting on my own too long
And when ya hold me like you do
It feels so right oh now
I start to forget how my heart gets torn
When that hurt gets thrown
Feeling like you can't go on
Turning circles and time again
Cut like a knife oh now
If ya love me got to know for sure
'Cause it takes something more this time
Than sweet, sweet lies oh now
Before I open up my arms and fall
Losing all control
Every dream inside my soul
When ya kiss me on that midnight street
Sweep me off my feet
Singing, "ain't this life so sweet?"
This year's love had better last
This year's love had better last
'Cause who's to worry if our hearts get torn
When that hurt gets thrown
Don't ya know this life goes on?
Won't ya kiss me on that midnight street?
Sweep me off my feet
Singing, "ain't this life so sweet?"
This year's love had better last🎵

"Addy." He chuckled as she jumped a little before turning around.

"Chris! You're early! You weren't supposed to be home until tomorrow." She heard him grunt as she threw her arms around him, feeling him lift her as she did.

"I am. I missed you. You sound beautiful. What are you doing there?"

She shrugged, "you gave me a key. I wanted to use your piano. Is that okay?"

He nodded, "of course it is. Now are you going to kiss me or not?"

She giggled, crashing her lips into his as he grabbed her thighs. She wrapped them around him as he moaned, walking them to the couch. He grunted as he plopped back with her on top of him. She removed her shirt before helping him remove his own, "I missed you too."

He moaned, nodding, "I see that." He kissed her neck, wrapping his arms around her back, removing her bra to toss onto the floor next to their shirts.

She stood up, quickly removing the rest of her clothes as she watched him do the same before straddling him once more, lowering herself onto him quickly.

"Fuck Addy." He heard her moan her agreement as her tongue found his, rocking on him urgently.

When they finished, he looked at her laying next to him on the couch, "stay the night?"

She nodded, "good luck getting me to leave."

Chris laughed, "you have to go to work eventually."

"Yeah yeah. Until then, take me to bed."

He nodded, "as you wish." He heard her squeal as he lifted her, throwing her over his shoulder, smacking her firmly on the ass he did.


He laughed, "more where that came from. I missed you."

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