Cabin bound

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Thomas's POV
I was getting angry with Ismays remarks just then I saw Adalyn reach for something out of her dress? I must be mistaken, but she looks around the table to make sure no eyes are on her and begins to pour the dark golden liquor. With that I took the bottle from her "allow me darling" as I took the bottle from her soft delicate hands. Ismay went on trying to win over the table I suppose. And then he made a bold leap. Calling on my Adalyn during dinner when I had made it very clear that we were enjoying each other's company. He began to cause a scene after Adalyn raised our clasped hands in the air making it clear to him. My grip on her grew tight, I know men of his type when they don't get there means they explode. I could tell Adalyn was fearful but she was taking it all in stride. She started off with "while it means the most and I am flatter Mr.Ismay, I believe it would now be a conflict of interest" she rose her head and her complexion was beaming. That was all he needed he went berserk he started throwing chairs knocking food over. Women were running every which way and screams could be heard as they exited the room. Ismays narrow eyes locked on me  YOU!" "Your the one that stole my chair and insisted on taking her after you were fully aware of my intent!" His fists were now in balls and Thomas was ready to fight him, Ismay was about to jump over the table when Adalyn jumped in between the two of them. "Enough! I'm in love with Thomas not you and nothing could change my mind, not your suit not your money, and he earned that seat fair well he paid £100 pounds to be seated next to me"
With that she jumped from her chair looking to make a readied exit with me on her heels. And then I see Adalyn fall not far from the table her beautiful dress torn at the abdomen with shards of glass all over the saloon floor. The silk that was once pink was now stained a deep red as the blood seeped to stain the fabrics, she lay there hardly able to move as she clawed her way away from the table. I went to pick her up and take her back to my cabin when I felt two meal hands around my neck. This was about to get ugly. My Irish blood was boiling. I grabbed his hands from around my neck and slammed him down on the table, the mahogany wood legs on the table giving out under his weight. Just then I hear a stampede of foot steps running my way and indeed it's the ships constable and there crew. constable hailer grabbed Ismay and demanded I tend to Adalyn and believe me there was nothing I'd rather do.
"Leave the scene and tend to Huges it won't look good with you in my position" "make sure this man sees the cells immediately I won't stand to have him along side me any longer" and with that I slipped £50 into his pocket.
Through all the chaos I went running to my dear Adalyn, still on the ground surrounded by glass. I knelt down along side her and scooped her up with one effortless motion, she was extremely light, it was like I was just Carrying the dress. He face had a pale way to it and not one I'd ever seen on her, I rushed to the elevator and had the steward close the door and select my floor. She was coming to my cabin I hadn't much choose in the matter, I loved her and I hadn't wanted to put her in the infirmary with the other filth who knows what she could be next too, I couldn't believe the events that had transpired. The elevator came to a hasty stop and I carried the beauty lady back to my cabin. No one was out on the floor thank goodness for that I was in less then a mood to explain. I opened the door and closed it quickly in one swift movement I had her on a chair at the foot of my bed. She was trembling, I felt horrible. "Adalyn, darling my apologies to this evening can I have a look?" She waved off my apologies "my dress it's completely destroyed and it's blood soaked" she had a fretful look amongst her complexion. "Yes darling but we need to see just how deep that wound is" and with that her delicate hands began to undo the back of her dress reviling her corset and a laceration the size of a table spoon. I tried my best not to let my eyes wonder she really was the most beautiful thing in this earth. "Thomas, why aren't I In the infirmary?" Her gaze shifted to her cut and she looked like she was about to get sick. "Well darling I could take you there if you so desire but I have a way with these types of things as I was A nurse back before a ship engineer"  we exchanged a glance "I trust you please get the glass out and take care of the bleeding" with that I was off to grab my first aid kit. As I came back she was right where I left her, her delicate hand reaching out and stroking my hardened skin. I have her sympathetic look, I asked for her arm "You'll feel a slight pinch darling I'm administering penicillin for the glass and then barbiturates to calm your body down out of shock, my love" she looked the other was and grabbed my arm when the needle entered her skin. I noticed her relax immediately and I began to clean up around the wound. After the wound was clean I administered a few stitches. Adalyn not saying a word. After half an hour had passed the bleeding stopped and the stitches held beautifully.

A tale of the titanic with Thomas Andrews Where stories live. Discover now