5. Dinner prep

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Ismay was beg to grow on my nerves and this was nearly the first couple of hours.
"She something else, I believe I'll be calling on her tonight during dinner, if your not Mr.Andrews" Ismay stated I glanced up at him and smiled knowing now I would in fact be going to dinner, to watch Adalyn fire at Ismay. "Don't you have any repairs or passengers to aid? Ismay?"  And with that he left me alone at the grand stair case, but not for long as I had a dinner to attend.

Adalyns POV
as I gathered my things mother walked in to fasten my corset. "Any interesting boys aboard?" She questioned looking over my shoulder and trying to hide her laughter. "Well mum there maybe one, but he said he won't be at dinner tonight" I stated trying not to sound too letdown. "Oh well that's too bad, maybe we will see him another time" she winked at me and left my room.
Time skip
My hair was finally finished, and my dress was done up thanks to Trudy, now came the big moment my first dinner aboard the titanic I was ecstatic!! My dress was the beautiful rose gold and my hair had been done perfectly for my standards, though it got a touch hard to breath because of the corset but I ignored it, I was just leaving the stateroom; I'm meeting mother and father there. I hopped I would see him again Mr.Andrews I swear I heard angels when I said his name, he was a fine man. But maybe it would be better if I didn't see him this evening especially seated at a dinner table with the elitists on this ship hoping I didn't have food on my face but more importantly praying that no one noticed what conspired between us. As I pushed those thoughts aside I locked our room, and walked like a proper lady without a care in the world down the hallway and too the descending steps. I surely hopped that know one noticed myself screaming from the inside as I pushed my lips in to a down words smiles and hopped my eyes lit up the room.
Mr.Andrews POV (minutes before Adalyn)
I dashed into the room, slammed the door shut and began to prepare for the evening tonight.  As I shined my black Italian leather shoes and tucked my shirt in I glanced in the mirror, and then I thought of her, my breathing became rapid and my heart raced. This in its self was a bad idea, I told her in front of Ismay I wouldn't be dinning with her. Though I did notice her slight disappointment at my remark, well I did want to she her tear Ismay a new one I chucked to myself. And worse Case scenario if this went terribly wrong I would just act like I was doing routine maintenance on the ship. Perfect I have an alibi, my notebook. And with that thought he left his state room hopping to get a glimpse of Adalyn.

 And with that thought he left his state room hopping to get a glimpse of Adalyn

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^ Mr.Andrews black leather shoes

A tale of the titanic with Thomas Andrews Where stories live. Discover now