Well I'd never....

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As Thomas and I walked down the stairs I had butterflies going through my stomach I couldn't believe it I was on Thomas Andrews arm on the greatest ship in the world. He pulled me close our arms still linked and whispered with his hot breath against my neck "you are the most beautiful on this planet, that includes my finest creation this ship" as he pulled away he studied my face almost as if to see if what he had said was alright. I tripped upon myself almost as if he's seen it coming he steadied me and chuckled after assuring my safety. He guided me to my seat and pushed it in for me, as I smiled up at him he walked away leaving me next to mum and next to her my father who put a napkin in her lap and lit her cigarette for her. As I looked around the room I saw Thomas chatting someone up it was the head waiter, I had wondered what they were talking about Amongst themselves it looked serious. But I was stirred from my thought when mum grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear "so that's the lad you were speaking of then" more of a statement I blushed and shook my head. As I saw Thomas re-approaching the table I went to get up and ask him what the matter was and what his intent was as I am a direct woman. He motioned for me to stay seated with his hands, he shot me a nervous smile and his brown eyes twinkled. I was growing perturbed, so I reached into my dress and made sure know one was watching and poured myself a little of my dark golden liquor. I let the bitter taste hit my taste buds and I reached over to mum and took a drag of her cigarette not caring if anyone saw that. Mum just smirked and took her cigarette back and dabbed the end of it into an ash tray. As a rush of air past me I had no idea what had just happened, now Thomas's name was at the place mat next to mine and he has flashed me that dazzling smile as he took his seat next to me. He sure was something, ismay was supposed to be seated next to me however he was now sitting across from me, thanks to Thomas's wit. He nudged me and whispered " I hope that's alright darling, I just spoke with the head waiter to move a few things about" I replied with "and by things do you mean ismay?" And with that he erupted into laughter once more. "I really can't say the last time I have laughed so much" he declared smiling at me with an amused look spread across his face. As everyone began to gather around the table a few curious smiles were sent our way and Thomas just smiled humbly. As most of the first class was gather we heard an assortments noises and one pleading man and then a "well this is completely absurd I paid good money to insure that seat!" And with that everyone was looking in the direction of the noise and whispers grew by the seconds. As to my surprise we were greeted with a frazzled looking mr ismay his longer dark locks falling over his face as he tried his dearest to put them the way they had once been. Thomas whispered in my ear "seems as though someone got the best seat in the house" and with that he kissed my cheek which left a very disgruntled mr Ismay.

A tale of the titanic with Thomas Andrews Where stories live. Discover now