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Thomas's POV (cue the Irish accent:)

Adalyn dear where are we going? I looked back at my beautiful wife as snow flakes fell upon her rosy cheeks. I did want children. With her. But I wouldn't want to share her just yet the thought of that gives me grief. We loved it here in New York happily settled in but not down. Snow kept falling. Ice burgs.
Ice burgs. All those glowing eyes lifeless, and frozen bodies. All because I hadn't put enough life boats on her...

"Thomas Thomas!" Adalyn shook him as she looked down at her swearing husband.
"Oh dear god your burning up dear, please wake up!"  I shook him earning nothing then a series of mumbles escaping his lips.
Panic rising in my stomach as beads of sweat ran down his forehead. I jumped out of bed landing badly on my ankle rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a hunk of frozen wrapped beef. 
    Running back to my husband I ripped the blankets off of him unbuttoned his top and rested the meat on his forehead.
   Tears threatening to spill from my eyes, how couldn't they? He was the love of my life. I was
    The old clock ticked as the sun rose above the buildings in New York, birds chirped and among all one very lucky man's fever broke.

As his wife lay still in the chair next to him hand in hand, he began to stir as the sun hit the window of their modest bedroom.
  Adalyns head rose faster than bread when she noticed a stirring.
"Thomas! Thomas! Oh Thomas I'm so glad your woke!" Adalyn reached for the damp cooled cloth and felt his forehead.
   "Your fevers broken!"
"How are you feeling dear? Shall I grab us a coffee?"  My heart raced as I awaited his response.
   " I fell better then I faired last night dear, I'd adore a coffee my Adalyn."
Adalyn turned the radio up and slid her narrow feet into her heels. The door closed and Thomas knew his wife would bring back more then just coffee.

As the sun brewed through the clouds the door opened engaging a bell to ring. Adalyn stopped her feet to rid them of any snow and began towards the news paper stack, not bothering to look at them she grabbed two.

She placed her order and waited for her breakfast and coffee. Her and Thomas lived just across the way and it really wasn't far. She often pondered about having more then just the city life. She loved horses but never got around to owning any of her own.

"Ma'am ma'am? Are you alright I've been calling your order for sometime" the British accent called.

"I do apologize here" she slide the women a $1 bill.
The fair haired women turned her nose up in disgust.
"Well I certainly meant no disrespect I do apologi"
She cut her off
"Apologize for what? Distracting the man whom created the titanic and killing so many? How can you browse around here without a conscious you first class wankers disgust me. I'll bet you brew the entire ship didn't you? Mommy and daddy's money". She spat the last part at her.

I found it believe my ears how dare she I was trying to make up for a small mistake. I mumbled to myself . How dare she.

In one shift motion I was behind the small counter that separated the till from the customer. I slapped her. Looking to see her shocked expression I then opened the register and took my money back. Blowing a kiss as I grabbed my food, newspapers and purse.

My gloved hands nearly dropped the bag at our door, but before that could happen Thomas grabbed the bag.

"My dear let me help you!" He pulled me inside.
I knew I'd have to tell him. It would probably be tomorrow's headline and might even affect our businesses. I figured i would let him enjoy breakfast.
"My dear is that money coming out of your purse?"
"Well I suppose cats out of the bag now isn't it" I took my gloves off and put my coffee down.
"Oh and what cat might that be? If your talking about the waiter you slapped you can save yourself sometime Harry called me and explained everything"

A tale of the titanic with Thomas Andrews Where stories live. Discover now