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It was a cold damp morning as the fog rose outside the Andrew residents. Thomas had slept in which he normally didn't do. While he was sleeping in his bed, his bride was waking up from a poor sleep and intense dreams leaving her on a daze.

"Thomas dear where does Adalyn normally keep the coffee and scones?"
"I'm not sure it's coffee or scones you need to be worried about, Kathleen."
"I'm not sure I follow"
"I was standing amount the door way when you opened your mouth and spit out horrendous suggestions at my wife, YOUR DAUGHTER!. Never have I heard such a thing come from a women's mouth much less a mother! Back home you'd surely be taken for a troll with that kind of
mouth. Your only child as is pregnant with your grandchild not out of wedlock, and you for some reason can't bare the thought of your daughter being married to me?"
"Thomas... I'm just worried she can't make decisions of her own. I-I- never meant to cause this much of a problem."
"A problem where there wasn't, she made her decision to move out here with me, to be married to me and to carry my child. There will be no further discussion on this topic so help god."

With that Thomas went downstairs hopping to be greeted with a sleeping Adalyn. But to his surprise he was greeted with multiple empty beds, after searching the entire house panic growing Thomas rendered his search useless and pick up the telephone to call Adalyns store, hoping someone there had seen her.

8:am the same day

"How are you doing Harper Is everything making sense?" The phone kept ringing in the background.
"Apparently the papers aren't the only ones interested in you" Harper's gloved hand covering her mouth in attempt to hide her laughter.
"Now whatever do you mean Harper?"
Adalyn smirked at her
Harper was a new hire and actually fitting in nicely, she did more than folding clothes. At times she would even open the store. Adalyn was growing quite fond of her.
"Now that I know your situation I believe you better be staying at my family's place. I can't very well leave you here sleeping on the floor."

"Well Harper I'd be delighted I'll have you know I don't know a thing about how to survive on my own but I'm willing to learn... for the both of us"
As Adalyn cupped her hardly existent stomach she realized her mistake and cupped her mouth.
"Oh Adalyn that's wonderful! And sad all in the same time I won't tell a soul. You poor girl you need a hot bath and some rest. Shall we close early and gather your things?"
"I suppose we could close around noon I had a few customers needing tailoring, we'll be done by then."
"Well alright let's get to work!" Harper lifted her sleeves and began sewing.


The phone was ringing to no end and Adalyn had enough.
"Hello! What could be so important you won't stop calling?"
"Uh my dear just as lovely as I remember you, hopefully you remember?"
There was a long pause
"Ismay?" Adalyn froze
"Well done dear! How is your little fiancé? And why are you working without a man present?"
"Leave Thomas alone you snake! And there are plenty of men around us!"
"My dear I don't think you understand. I'm watching you"
Adalyn dropped the phone. Heart racing, sweat beads running down her face.
"Adalyn are you almost ready?" Harper called out.
"Yes let's go shall we?" With a shaken up Adalyn and a secret barring Harper the two women left the store and headed for home.

Was ismay really watching Adalyn? How did he get out of jail? Are the girls in danger? Will Harper let Adalyn's secret out? Find out in the next chapter :)

A tale of the titanic with Thomas Andrews Where stories live. Discover now