My dear

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AN; Thank you to all my loyal devote fans, I'm happy to announce we officially hit 10k reads congratulations everyone!

"Adalyn you almost ready in there dear, we must get a move on if we want to be on time for brandy and cigars"
It had been a tough couple of months. Adalyn and Thomas after a long 26 hour labour were proud new parents and this would be their first real outing in a while. Not that things had been fully mended but Adalyns parents were over taking care of the 3 month old they called Esme (s-may)

So many things have changed though the little one slept soundly almost every night and when she didn't Thomas got up with her, there were times when Adalyn didn't sleep as well through the nights. Although she made a full recovery from her c- section she still suffered from a fever from time to time and she had been bed ridden up until very recently. So tonight would be there first evening out and Adalyn was thrilled to say the least.

"Yes Thomas! Just applied some lipstick and panstick shall be down shortly"
As Thomas said his goodbyes to Esme he rushed down stairs and began fasten his cuff links shaped like anchors only fitting.

As Adalyn gracefully kissed the baby on the cheek leaving her with her mother she began down the stairs her earrings jingling and her dress pull firmly against her while dragging with each step. As Thomas glanced up at his wife his words caught his throat and he ran up the stairs to assist her down to the main floor, his cheeks flush as ever.
"My my my Adalyn my dear you look exceptional! I'm Afraid you won't be able to leave my sight all night." His hands around her waist as they reach the main floor, his eyes linger a moment more before turning away from her red lips.
The couple bid their fair well and they were off into their auto mobile, the lights on the car bounced along the road as night crept in along with shivers from Adalyn. The road was so bumpy Thomas didn't notice and Adalyn not wanting to ruin their first night out grabbed her jacket a little tighter.

As the automobile slowed to a stop Thomas opened the door for Adalyn and reached for her gloved hand.
"Here we are my dear I won't leave your side all night" Thomas ushered Adalyn in through the doorway where the hustle and bustle of the laughter, live band and bright lights reviled themselves.
"Coat check please for 2" Thomas passed off the coats and tucked the number into his pocket.
"Now my dear shall we grab a beverage? I was thinking bourbon of some type"
Thomas eyed Adalyn up with just in his eyes and a smirk on his face.
Adalyn nodding rapidly as her pale face glanced around the room.
As Thomas stepped aside to grab drinks Adalyn was sitting on a bar stool along side the band, when and older man approached her.
"My my what do we have here? Your car to beautiful to be left alone in a corner of the ballroom, come dance with me dear shall we?"
"No sir I'm afraid I came accompanied and I would hate to disappoint my husband"
The man shook his head
"No way a young skinny pale thing such as yourself would be married I know what men want, you maybe beautiful but I liked you better when you didn't talk . Now I believe you owe me a dance let's go miss."
The man pulled Adalyn roughly to off the barstool causing it to hit the ground, Adalyn gashed as she pulled away from the man and tried to well over the band but it was useless. This wasn't a man it was a pig what couldn't he understand as he wrapped his arm uncomfortably tight around Adalyns waist causing her to cry out in slight pain.
"You shut your mouth that's very unlady like"
"Get off of me! Thomas! Thomas!" Adalyns frantic look must have caught someone's attention next thing she knew she was in Thomas's arms safe and sound.
"Mr. Andrew's sir she came on to me you must believe me that woman of the night mustn't be with you is she?"
" Surely you recognize Mrs.Andrew's from the news clippings? This is my wife she carried my child to term owns her own shop and has saved my life, now you'll excuse yourself and in the manner you've behaved! She is no lady of the night she is a high value and respectable woman." With that Thomas dumped his brandy and bourbon on Henry's suit and ran off with Adalyn escape the growing crowd.

(Adalyns hair)

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(Adalyns hair)

(Adalyns dress)

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(Adalyns dress)

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