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Third Person Narrative

    Amora awoke, fluttering her eyes open, squinting as the sun seeped in through the bright curtains. It had been three days since the battle that took place where the Avengers Compound once stood. It was an overwhelming thought for her to think about. Yes, three days ago they won against the mad titan Thanos, and yes many of her friends who were once blipped out of existence returned, but she also lost a few friends on the way. She closed her eyes for just one second more, but opened them again after seeing the horrors her mind curated for her. The sight of her dead best friend Natasha, and although she was not there herself, she had seen what it looked like through the eyes of her fellow Avenger Clint Barton.

"You alright?" A voice spoke.

She looked to the man beside her, Steve Rogers. The perfect guy next door, the self righteous patriot whom over the years she grew a soft spot, and eventually grew to love.

"I just miss her, all the time." Amora sighed in a light whisper.

"I know, but she will always be with you, she will always be with all of us." Steve replied with a hint of cheerfulness in his voice in attempt to make her feel better, "And i'm sure Tony will make sure she is not bored up there."

Amora chuckled, but only a few seconds later to return to her original state of sorrow. Tony. His funeral was the day prior and it hurt her to see the people he left as well. Morgan. Pepper. Happy. Peter.

"Go back to sleep, its still very early." Steve cooed into her ear, "Ill wake you up before it is time for me to go return the stones."

Amora simply nodded in exhaustion, she trusted him and she had no doubt in the world he would wake her up. She had no doubt after her returned the stones they could finally settle down from the superhero life. How wrong could she ever be.

When she awoke again on her notion, the side of the bed once occupied by her boyfriend was now empty. She observed her surroundings to find nothing, except a note on the edge of the nightstand. She opened it cautiously, worried about the contents, which would have never prepared her for what was in it. She read it in her mind, because she knew she could not read it aloud even to herself without breaking down.

I never wanted to hurt you this way, and for that I am truly sorry. I know by writing this letter, by informing you this way it represents cowardess, but this was something I could not do in person. When retrieving one of the stones a couple days ago I saw someone who I never thought I would see again. When I met you, it was so much easier to get over Peggy, because you swept me off my feet and showed me how to love again. But seeing her again just resurfaced the love I had with her and the life we wanted to build together. I should have told you earlier, I know but I think it is better this way. Just know I am not leaving you because I don't love you, it is because I have the opportunity I never thought I would get. I don't expect you to understand, but I hope you do find the one yourself.

Again I am eternally sorry for this, and I wish you the best
With Love, Steve

Amora looked at the paper once more before engulfing it with the power emitting from her hand, disintegrating the letter. Her eyes filled with tears, and as she thought about how the nicest guy she ever knew, would betray her to such an extent. Three days she thought to herself. It had been three days since her last heartbreak, and here she was again going through another.
LOL sorry if this is absolute shit but I literally have so many marvel story ideas and I needed to write one down.
Also just a little more background information on Amora's powers...
She has similar powers to Wanda including Telekinetic and Telepathic abilities, but she has a few more other powers. She has a sort of empathic and healing ability. In this she can like heal peoples emotional and physical pain, but in a sort of cursed way she has to temporarily feel that pain to disperse it. For the most part she can help with no to serious injuries, etc. because she is from Asgard and she has super strength and like great fighting abilities, but like in the future your can for sure count on it being to much.

Sorry btw if this is out of character for Steve but the whole situation originally was out of character tbh.
Anyways lmk what I can do better yk, and this is just like background information kinda.

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