Back Together

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Third Person Narrative (back to normal since they are both reunited)

The new realm where America had taken them was somewhere Wanda hopefully wouldn't be able to detect for a little while, since there was no Wanda alive in this universe to attack them. They found an abandoned house, furnished which was weird and decided to lay low for a couple of days. In those couple days they didn't do much but sleep, all of them were extremely exhausted. They didn't really talk much until the second day either, when America came back with food and water.

"I brought the essentials!" America said cheerfully, "You all have to eat."

Amora looked over at Peter, she didn't know why but when he looked at her he it seemed as if he saw a ghost. When they grabbed him from the other realm she saw tears in his eyes, she wondered what had happened. They all had sat down in the living room of the house eating what America had brought.

"I don't think we properly introduced ourselves yet ." America said, "I'm America Chavez."

She extended out a hand to Amora and she reciprocated extending her hand out too.

"Amora Sorsdottir." She replied smiling.

"No way." America squealed, "I've been with the Enchantress the whole time?!"

"I haven't heard that name in a while." Amora smiled.

"The Enchantress?" Asked Peter.

"That's what the people of earth called me." Amora answered his question, "A nickname I guess."

"Peter!" America groaned, "When you said your friend why didn't you tell me it was her! She has a fighting chance at beating Wanda!"

"Hate to burst your bubble, but Wanda has grown immensely powerful because of the dark hold." Amora sighed, "I don't believe I could beat her."

Amora felt disappointed she couldn't offer more, after all she is the most similar to Wanda's type of power. Though Amora had practiced for years, it took Wanda all of a decade. She didn't want to think about that right now though, she wanted to talk to Peter about what happened.

"Peter, where did Wanda send you?" She asked softly.

She could see he was tense, and didn't want to say. Maybe if she went first it would relieve the tension.

"She sent me to a reality where Steve didn't leave." She chuckled.

"Yeah?" Peter said quietly.

"Yeah but get this... he brought back one of my dead friends and it turns out they were together." She continued, "If that wasn't awkward."

"I'm sorry." He replied, still being very quiet.

She was worried why he was so affected? Did he have to relive some of his worst memories like she did? Did he have to face Gwen, the girl Peter mentioned to her before?

"Peter..." She said sadly, "Talk to me, please."

"I-I-I.." Peter stammered, "I watched you die."

Peter began to explain to her the time he got put into. How he had met her friends, fought with them, and the fate her alternate self had met. She was surprised by what she heard. She had the same memories but in hers she survived.

"In my reality, Pietro died... not me." She gasped it hurt to remember that moment, he saved her and she always felt guilty for that.

"I tried to stop you, but you pushed me back." Peter replied with some tears now welling in his eyes, "I watched the life drain out of you."

How was she supposed to respond to that? She was right here but for him she had also left. She felt horrible that he felt this way, and she just wanted to comfort him.

"I don't know what to say." She murmured, "But I'm here now okay? And we won't be separated again."

"I'll make sure of it." America smiled at them, "I'll keep you guys together."

Amora thought about her last conversation with Wanda, she had mentioned America by name meaning she knew who she was. Why would Wanda have an interest in America? Unless...

"We have to keep you safe, America." Amora affirmed, "I think Wanda is after you."

"Why?" Peter intervened.

"I think she wants your powers." Amora sighed, "So she can travel the multiverse herself."

She looked at America with sympathy, she could tell the child was scared of what would become of her if Wanda succeeded.

"Would that kill me?" She asked.

"Yes." Amora replied sadly, "But I won't let that happen, okay?"

America nodded in response, but Amora could tell she was still frightened. I mean telling someone they might die isn't the best news, let alone that it might be upcoming.

"Why don't we all get some rest?" Amora suggested, "And in the morning I propose we look for Strange in this universe, surely Wanda hasn't got this one yet."

"Okay, goodnight." America yawned as she left the room.

"Goodnight." Both Amora and Peter replied.

Now that America was gone it was just the two of them. Amora put her head between her hands rubbing the temples that were giving her a headache. Peter rubbed her back trying to see if he could comfort her. This past couple of weeks was an emotional few and she couldn't bear anymore pain at this point. She felt like she had so much pressure on her shoulders.

"I can't do this." She whimpered in her hands, "I can't beat her."

"We will find a way." Peter attempted to reassure.

"But..." She tried to say.

"We will find a way." Peter repeated

She looked at him nodding, trying to smile in the moment. She didn;t realise Peter was getting deja vu. This was all new memories for her, but similar for him.

"Why are you so good to me?" She cried.

He was silent for a moment. Amora didn;t want to look in his mind but what she saw was something she didn't expect. It was her saying the same words as she just did, he was reliving the past.

"I-I-I try." He replied, tears forming once again.

She looked at him, their eyes connecting on a different level. Peter had done nothing but care for her since the moment they had met. He had been kind to her, gave her a roof over her head, saved her life, you name it. She was drawn to him in a way she hadn't felt a connection like in a long time. Was it the right time to do this? No it was the perfect time... they both needed comfort. She put her hand on his face, cupping it slightly, wiping the tears from his eyes. As she leaned forward, so did Peter, and they did so until their lips met. They embraced each other, with a soft kiss, the taste of salty tears on their lips. It made them both feel better, and cared for the first time in a long time.

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