Moving On

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Third Person Narrative

It was all over the news, every channel covering the recent revelation that Peter Parker was in fact Spider-man. Amora felt for her friend, as she knew what it was like to be in the public eye. She wanted to reach out, but she did not want to pry as she knew many people already would be already overwhelming the poor kid. It was not until a few weeks later when the new media blew up once again about these new villains roaming around New York and the death of one May Parker that Amora decided to help her friend out.

She called his phone. Voicemail.
She hoped that he was still wearing the Iron Spider, so she could track his whereabouts. She scrolled through the apps of her phone until she reached the application Tony developed for the whole team before he passed. She pressed the slot where it was labelled Iron Spider. Her eyes looked to the point on the map where he was located and set it in her mind. It was time to suit up again, it had been a long time since she got into this defensive mode of hers.

She arrived at the location, a simple building nothing special, and no Peter Parker in sight. The building was tall and had many floors, to many to check one by one. Although, she had a gut feeling that he was on the roof, out of sight from the media, and anyone who wanted to find him. Amora became nervous, it had been months since she last made contact with anyone let alone Peter. She shook it off, and decided to check the roof. Instead of taking the elevator like a normal person, which she is most certainly not, she ascended up with the help of her magic. She slowly emerged to the top of the roof and saw Peter with his friends Ned and Mj, along with some other figures she could not make out in the dark.

"Peter." She said sadly as she landed on the roof.

He looked up with tears in his eyes, surprised at who was in front of him. It was a familiar face that he never thought he would see again. She was a walking reminder of the past of him, and it made him sob even more.
She knelt down and hugged him tightly trying to comfort him as much as she could.

"I'm so sorry." She croaked, getting choked up on her own words, "I'm here now to help, only if you want it."

"Oh we for sure need all the hands we can get." A voice spoke.

Amora looked to her side, bewildered she saw a man with blue eyes approach her. She stood up as the man reached out a hand.

"I'm Peter, Peter Parker." He said in a friendly tone.

She looked at him and then back at her Peter in complete confusion. She took a second to think of this whole mess, and how it could have even started. Strange. What did he do, how did he mess everything up to the point where she could see multiple of the same person. She shook it off for a second and shook this new Peters hand.

"I'm Amora." She replied shyly.

Another figure emerged from the shadows. She looked him up and down observing that he was wearing a variation of the spider-man suit.

"Let me guess, Peter Parker?" She chuckled lightly.

"You would be correct there." He replied reciprocating a smile.

She looked back at her Peter who was now standing up dusting himself off, wiping away his tears.

"What did Strange do?" She asked quietly.

After Peter informed her about the whole current situation, she knew there was no backing out now. His plan was clear, he wanted to help these villains escape their fated untimely demise by "curing them" before they could be sent back to their own universes along with the other Peter Parkers.

They arrived to a lab of sorts, and were all assigned different tasks. Each working on a different cure for the various villains they would have to fight. She was paired with one of the Peters, the third one she met. She continued to observe him, noticing his big brown eyes and scruffy hair.
She caught him staring at her Peter and Mj talking, now burdened with curiosity.

"You have someone?" Amora asked, scared she was prying.

"Nah, I don't have time for the Peter Parker stuff." He laughed, "You?"

"I did at one point, but I guess we didn't see eye to eye." She sighed.

"I had someone too." He sighed back, "Her name was Gwen, and I really loved her which got the best of me, and led to her death." He immediately regretted what he said scared of opening up to someone about Gwen. "Sorry, I didn't mean to just lay that all on you." He stuttered.

Amora grasped his hand, squeezing it lightly, "No it's okay, I'm sorry for your loss Peter."

He had no words, honestly he felt relieved to talk to someone about this and how he was doing. It really was hard for him in his universe considering his identity continued to remain a secret.

"How about you and your someone? If you feel like talking about it." Peter said.

She looked down at her feet as she reminded herself of the relationship she once had, "His name was Steve, well Captain America. We fell in love, went through hell together, all for him to evidently leave me for a girl he kissed once 70 years prior." She smiled sadly, "No but in all seriousness, I guess he just loved her more, and when he got the opportunity to be with her once again he took it."

"Your telling me you dated a 70 plus year old man?" He gasped in a jokingly way.

"He was 106 actually." She laughed back, "But I am way older anyways."

"Please you do not look a day over what 25? 26?"

"Hate to break it but I'm over 1000 years old." She laughed once more, "But getting back to the point, I'd like to say I've moved on, because I deserve better that."

"You do deserve better than that." He replied again.

They stayed there in silence for a couple seconds before they realized they got distracted from their original task. They continued to work on their assigned work, while exchanging quick glances, and not being able to understand what they were so drawn to about each other,

I hope that was better than the first chapter LMAO <3

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