Friend or Foe?

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Third Person Perspective

Amora knew her plan depended on Wanda. No matter what this Wanda knew or not, she was the only one who could even remotely find a way. Maybe Doctor Strange could help, she thought, but how could she trust one after the actions of the other? Even if this Wanda could help her send a message to Peter, or the girl America that Peter had met, she might be able to find a way out of this nightmare. Once she made it to the memorial for Vision, she prepared herself for whatever might be awaiting her. As she landed she noticed the dead silence, not a sound to be heard. She gazed for a moment longer, seeing if she could find Wanda, and that's when she noticed. Wanda was on the ground, unconscious. Amora ran over to the version of her friend, in fear of the worst.

"Wanda!" Amora cried, "Wake up. Please."

She shook Wanda in disbelief, and she did rightfully so. Not too long after her friend awoke, and a bit of relief came to Amora. Her friend sat up observing her surroundings.

"Amora?" Wanda asked.

"Yes." Amora smiled, "It's me."

They embraced in a hug, something they both very much needed. They kept their embrace for a good five minutes, never wanting to let go.

"What happened?" Amora asked Wanda.

"I must've been lightheaded." Wanda replied, "I used a lot of magic this week."

Although plausible, it sounded weird to Amora. The amount of magic she would have had to use to cause that kind of exhaustion. Amora shook it off though, she knew her mind was just trying to play tricks on herself. But what would she do now? If Wanda had exhausted her magic there was no way she was going to ask her to use it again. But that meant she would be stuck in this other reality for longer than she wanted. She looked again at her friend smiling, not knowing what she would say next. Although her next words were something entirely true, just not to the right Wanda.

"I missed you." Amora said calmly.

"I just saw you a couple days ago?" Wanda questioned, "But I missed you too."

Amora didn't know whether to tell the truth or not. Would it mess up the timeline, she thought. Either way she didn't want to lie, she just wanted to tell someone the truth.
"What if I told you that wasn't me?" Amora stuttered.

"What do you mean?" Asked Wanda.

Amora explained everything to Wanda. From the corrupted variant of herself to the events with Spider-man and Strange sending her through the multiverse. She gave her every detail about the whole journey not leaving anything out.

"And yeah, Peter found a girl who I think could help me get back to my universe." Amora continued, "But there's still a lot of details to work out."

"I could help you find America, maybe she's out there somewhere in the multiverse to communicate." Wanda consoled.

"If she'll help me though." Amora sighed, "If I'm being honest I'm not too pleased about putting a kid in harm's way for me."

It was silent for a moment, Amora thought about the words of the conversation. When she realized she began to tremble, not knowing how to respond. Considering how everything went down last time, she knew she probably didn't have much of a chance to get out of this one.

"Wait." Amora said sternly, "I never said her name."

She could tell that she just outed Wanda. No matter how different this Wanda looked, she knew it was her's. She didn't even know how it was possible, but she knew it had something to do with the darkhold. Wanda raised a smile on her face, smirking deviously, now walking around Amora.

"Dream Walking." Wanda insisted, "Comes in handy when you can't travel the multiverse just yet."

"Then how did you send me and Peter away?" Amora snapped.

"Easy now there Amora." Wanda laughed, "Simple, I just ripped a whole in the multiverse itself. But if I did that for me I wouldn't know where I was going."

"So you were dream walking in Peter's universe too?" Amora asked.

"Ding ding ding!!" Wanda teased.

"I don't understand." Amora spit, "Why send me away if you just want to bother me again? If you want to kill me I suggest you get it over with."

"Why would I kill you?" Giggled Wanda, "Silly, I want you to be on my side."

Amora laughed at that in the fakest way possible. How could someone so sweet turn out to be like this. She was angry, but also sad, she wondered if this was all her fault. She could've checked up on Wanda after the battle with Thanos, but she was too wrapped up in her own grief. She thought herself to be selfish for that, after all Wanda had no one, but neither did Amora. A tear ran down Amora's face, she had never wanted it to come down to this.

"I'm sorry." Amora whispered.

"Me too." replied Wanda with no emotion in the voice.

Amora decided to not think but to just do. She went into full defense mode, blasting Wanda across the sidewalk with a blast of magic. She knew it probably wasn't smart, but she needed to defend herself. Wanda sat back up, giving Amora the most fearful "you're dead" look. Amora took a deep breath and continued to fight, throwing energy blasts left and right, hoping to keep Wanda on her tippy toes. She also knew Wanda could absorb her energy so she had to be quick. Wanda didn't fight back, and she didn't know why.

"FIGHT ME!" cried Amora, "I can't be on your side."

No response, not a peep out of Wanda. It was as if Wanda was concentrating, focussed on something else. Amora stopped too, realizing it was no use. She closed her eyes in tears, a bad choice on her end. Right then, Wanda finally threw a punch, magic hitting Amora across. Amora tried to fight back, and that is when she realized what Wanda was doing. She was casting a spell. Runes. Amora tried to use her magic, but it was no use. It wasn't working at all. Amora bolted, she had no way of fighting her anymore so she ran as she could. Again, no use. Wanda flew in front of her, grasping her throat with the use of her magic.

"Kill me." gasped Amora.

"As you wish." Wanda smiled.

She began to drain the life out of Amora, the air in her throat beginning to come scarce. Wanda smirked as she continued to look Amora in the eyes. But that devious look quickly turned into fear. Amora felt air behind her as the grasp Wanda had let go. She looked behind her and there was a star-shaped hole, along with a girl. She knew it must be America. Amora kicked Wanda back as America pulled her through, the entryway closing behind them. There again Amora was traveling in this cosmic madness.

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