Mind Warps

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Third Person Narrative

After many flight hours, the Avengers landed in South Africa at the black market base. As the back of the jet opened they scanned the surroundings of the building, figuring out their point of entry. As they entered the building they all watched eachother backs keeping on high alert. It was dark, only the emergency lighting illuminated the building with no one in sight. It was an unnerving feeling for all of them, but at least they had an idea of what could be ahead of them.

"I'll go scope it out, stay close behind everyone." Tony asserted to the group.

Everyone nodded in agreement, now proceeding with Tony far ahead. Peter with his good hearing could make out a conversation that was going on. He could hear Tony talking, and it sounded like he was talking to Ultron. The Avengers now fast approached behind Tony, with the same time the Maximoff twins behind Ultron. Peter observed Amora as she was intently looking at Wanda, the woman who actually put him here in the first place. He wasn't really paying attention to the conversation between Tony and Ultron, but still curiously looking at the girls and the connection between.

"I can help you, if you let me." Amora said calmly, "You can get out of this, both of you."

"Oh we will." Wanda smirked back.

Peter never had seen a good version of Wanda, but he didn't know whether she was really bad on the inside. From what it seemed she was hurting, and it never got any better for her.

"Alright I think we've all talked enough." Amora snapped back.

She put her hands together, trying to cast a ball of magic to aim towards Ultron, but she was abruptly cut off again. Peter watched beside as the magic between her hands cracked away the black veins rising on her body, again with her groaning in pain. She looked towards Steve as she fell on her knees and then on her side.

"Oh did I forget to mention the side effects aren't a one time thing? Sorry my bad." Ultron sneered.

That was it for the friendly talk, they all began to fight, the Maximoff twins sneaking into the darkness. Guns began to fire from all around, both Peter and Steve now protecting Amora from the open fire.

"Parker get her out of here!" Steve shouted to Peter.

Peter nodded now picking her up running towards the door. As he ran she began to awake now trying to adjust to her surroundings. As he continued to run, he was knocked down by something he couldn't even see. Whatever it was packed quite bunch causing him to let go of Amora with her also falling over. He groaned in discomfort now crawling over to Amora to pick her up again. His spidey sense began to tingle he could feel someone behind him. Before he could move someone grabbed his head grasping, diving into his mind. He began to see in his mind the things recently that had happened with him and Amora, someone was trying to find something to hold onto. He knew it must've been Wanda, and he knew he couldn't let her see the memories where she would be in. He took a deep breath, crawling out of his mind now reopening his eyes pushing her away. That only irritated her more, she casted a ball of magic throwing it at him now tossing him towards a wall. He watched in the background as Wanda smirked now warping Amora's mind in front of him. All of a sudden Wanda was there and then she was gone. He ran back over to Amora, now trying to help her up as she stared blankly, her eyes now exerting a reddish tint. He was scared for her, as he put her arm around his shoulder now helping her walk back to the jet. When he went back he found the rest of the Avengers, with majority sweating breathing hard as if they had seen a ghost.

"Did the girl get you?" Tony asked Peter.

"No, but she was." Peter said sadly.

"Same with all of them." Tony replied pointing towards Natasha, Bruce, Steve, and Thor.

Amora was now awake staring blankly at the wall, as her breath was irregular, maybe stifling in some sobs. Peter watched as Steve walked over sitting beside her, the first time she had talked in a while. She leaned her head on Steves shoulder sighing as they slightly embraced eachother. He wasn't trying to eavesdrop but his enhanced hearing got the best of him. He didn't hear much except the slight "I love you" they whispered to each other. It gave him a better understanding really onto why it hurt her so much when he left, and he couldn't imagine what the present her was feeling.

"Where are we going to go? We aren't very popular right now." Tony asked Clint.

"I have a place we can go." Replied Clint.


When they arrived at the so called safe house as Clint described, it was now day again after a long flight throughout the night. By this time, everyone was more alert now getting up to leave the jet along with Amora. They walked up to a very cottage vibe house, something very homey. As they entered, Peter peered behind them he was nervous feeling like he was intruding on something. He watched a woman and two kids came into the living room now embracing Clint.

"These must be some sort of agents." Boasted Tony.

"Um guys this my wife Laura and my kids Lila and Cooper." Clint said awkwardly.

Peter observed as all the Avengers looked at Clint confused, assuming they never knew about his family.

"I know all your names." Laura chuckled, "Except yours." She looked behind them staring at Peter,

Everyone sort of scooted away from him, putting him in the spotlight. He felt anxious again introducing himself to another person.

"I'm Peter Parker." He said nervously.

He sort of drowned out at the response as he noticed Amora looking at him, but she was looking at him differently, as if she did know him now. It was haunting her eyes looking at him with curiousity and sadness. He tried to shake it off, trying to attest his focus to Laura talking to the group.

"There's towels and spare clothes in the closet upstairs, please help yourself." Laura beamed, "Our shower is to the right if you guys want to freshen up as well."

Amora walked a little forward now looking at the group, "You guys mind if I take a shower first?"

They all nodded side to side allowing her to go up the stairs disappearing from the view of everyone else.

I'm definitely going to try and publish to more chapters after this today.

Also I will get back to present day the Amora Peter knows eventually after this one branch with Peter closes and then we will explore where she is <3

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