New Beginnings

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Third Person Narrative

"Now would be a good time to explain." Amora laughed nervously at Peter.

"I've been expecting you." The other Strange spoke.

"That's not creepy whatsoever." Amora scoffed.

"I need you." Strange continued, "I need your power."

"Yeah... no." Amora smirked, "In your dreams."

"I wasn't asking..." He replied, "If you didn't notice, I have your friends."

"They aren't really my friends." Amora spoke, "But I'm still not going to let you kill them."

Amora ignited her powers grabbing hold of Strange pulling him away from the two he had held captive. Throwing him against the wall she put a forcefield around Christine and Daisy, she threw Peter in too.

"Let us out, we can help!" Daisy yelled.

"I got this, I'm not letting anymore people die today!" Amora shouted back, "If you want my powers you will have to fight for it."

"As much as I would love to see that..." Her Strange spoke, "You're needed elsewhere."

Strange pointed to the portal made by America again back to their universe, Wanda on the ground.

"I got this here." Strange winked.

Amora looked back at Peter, undoing the forcefield away from him. She smiled as she mouthed the words "I'll be back." Amora walked through the vortex back to the other side, with it closing behind her. She approached Wanda who was on the floor crying, kneeling beside her tilting her head up slightly.

"Wanda." Amora whispered sympathetically.

"I-I-I'm a monster." Wanda sobbed through her words.

"The darkhold kept its grip on you, no one should have to go through that." Amora justified, "You've lost everything, you were blinded by the grief."

"It doesn't justify my actions." Wanda whispered back.

"Maybe not." Amora continued, "But it can help others understand."

"I need to destroy the darkhold." Wanda sniffled, "No one can ever be tempted by it again."

"Good." Amora smiled slightly, holding back her tears.

"You need to go." Wanda said standing up, "I have to destroy the whole fortress."

"And what of you?" Amora said with tears going down her face now, "You just parish under the rocks?"

"Yes." Wanda said, accepting her fate.

"No. No. No!" Amora cried, "You can't give up."

"Don't make this harder than it has to be." Wanda cried, "Why defend me after everything I did to you... said to you!"

"Because we are family!" Amora shouted, "We may not have always been close, but you and I we've known each other for so long. I can't lose you too!"

"I'm sorry, Amora." She murmured.

Wanda pushed her back with her magic, taking her far enough away. Amora landed on a mountain nearby, trying to get back, but she was too late. She watched as the intricate rock fortress crumbled, crushing whatever was inside. Wanda was the scarlet witch, but if she wanted to die she could, Amora right now at least believed her to be dead. Amora looked at the aftermath, tears clearly running down her face, freezing slightly from the winter cold. She felt as another portal opened behind her, the different atmosphere hitting her back. She turned around to look sadly at the rest of the group. Considering they weren't fighting anymore, the other Strange must've been defeated too. Peter ran up to her and pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back, keeping her close. She felt safe, safe enough to cry again. Her breath continued to become hitched as the grief sunk in. She sobbed into his shoulder, tightening her grip on him, choking on her tears. She let go of him, wiping her tears to look at Strange and America.

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