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Third Person Narrative (Amora)

"Natasha." Amora exclaimed smiling through her tears of excitement, "I never thought I would see you again."

She embraced her long lost friend in a hug, now at a loss for words. The past couple months hadn't been what she wanted and not even 10 minutes ago, someone who she deeply cared for sent her off to this new reality. Her extreme happiness and overwhelming feeling of joy was cut off way to soon. As she let go of her friend to let her breathe it's what she noticed that had set her off. Natasha and Steve hand in hand, arms in side embrace as she let go. Something wasn't right, after all this wasn't her reality she was from.

"I-I-I thought you weren't coming back Steve?" She said with a subtle snark.

"You know, I was just going to go back and be with Natasha, but I thought it would be better to bring her here where she can be with her friends." He smiled.

That's when it all came to realization to her... in this reality her and Steve never happened. In this reality he never left her, rather he was never with her in the first place. Somehow that hurt Amora even more. She was more crushed than the first time around. She took a step back, trying to stifle in the sobs that were once happy now turned to sadness and anger. She knew she had to focus, she had to get back to Peter so they could stop Wanda. It took her a second to realize what she needed to do. She knew now she would have to find the Wanda of this reality. She gulped back all her feelings, getting to the point of what she needed.

"Erm... do you guys happen to know where Wanda went after everything?" Amora questioned her peers.

"I thought you knew... she went to Vision's memorial in upstate New York." Sam replied.

A memorial? Amora thought to herself. There was never a memorial in her reality. If she could find Wanda there she cold get back to Peter somehow. She looked back at Natasha, smiling with the tears still coming down her face.

"I'll be back, okay?" Amora said reassuringly, even though she was lying.

As she used her powers to lift herself off the ground one more time she looked back at the group of people identical to people she loves.

"Take care of her." Amora whispered in Steve's direction.

As he nodded back she looked forward and began her journey up. Upstate New York wasn't to far from where she already was, and she was hoping that Wanda would be there already. She needed to get back to Peter so they could find Doctor Strange, America, anybody who could help them beat Wanda.
Sorry this is an extremely short chapter! It was supposed to be longer but i split into two. I am tryna get back into writing so I hope you enjoy.
As well... I will be starting a new story soon that will be an Agents of Shield fan fiction!!

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