The Final Battle Pt. 2

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Third Person Narrative

Amora, with Peter 2 and 3 were on the sidelines witnessing something ever so terrifying. From a distance they could see the rage in Peter 1 as he continually began to attack Green Goblin, not holding back as if his intent was to kill. Peter 3 held the cure for the goblin in his hand wondering what to do. Peter 1 grabbed the goblins glider and was ready for his final strike. It happened so fast, Amora could not even understand how he got there in time but he did. Peter 2 held the glider back, protecting the goblin from this deadly strike. He didn't want Peter 1 to make the mistakes he had in the past, he wanted protect his innocence, which might've already been gone at this point anyways. Peter 2 slowly moved the glider out of Peter 1s hands, only to be stabbed in the back. He fell onto the ground, Amora and Peter 3 looked at eachother, they knew what needed to be done. Peter 3 threw the cure to Peter 1, and he quickly stabbed it into the neck of Green Goblin injecting the miracle cure. Peter 1 ran to where Doctor Strange was as Peter 3 and Amora ran to Peter 2. Peter 3 lifted him gently up putting his friends arm over his shoulder for stability. Amora came closer extending a hand to where the wound was. Peter 2 and 3 were both confused on what she was doing, but there silence actually made it easier. Amora began to heal his wound, causing a stabbing pain in her back. She still did it though, she completely healed it before collapsing to her knees, catching her breath.

"How did you do that?" Peter 2 asked shocked.

"Magic." She chuckled weakly holding her side, "It takes a lot out of me sometimes though, just got to catch my breath."

Her Peter arrived back at the scene helping her up. He looked sad, and although it had been a hard couple of days it looked like he was upset about something new.

"What's wrong?" She choked out.

"Strange.. Um the it's the only way." He croaked.

"What's the only way." Amora stuttered.

"He has to continue with the original spell to send everyone back." He replied, "Everyone has to forget that I'm Peter Parker."

She pulled him into a hug, now both of them crying silently. She felt guilty, maybe this could've been stopped if she reached out earlier. Amora didn't want to have to lose another friend. She pulled out of the hug nodding at him smiling.

"It was really nice knowing you Peter Parker." She sobbed, "Now go say your more important goodbyes."

He continued on to say his goodbyes, pulling his fellow Peter's into a group hug. He walked a distance over to his best friend and the woman he loved. Amora and the two other Peters watched from a distance as he made the hardest goodbyes he had. Amore could tell the spell was coming to an end. As Strange was almost finished it was almost dawn, the sun basically up she could see everything more clearly. She looked at the two Peters beside her sadly.

"It was nice getting to know you two as well." She laughed, "Never in my life did I think I would meet this many Peter Parkers."

She continued her goodbyes to them pulling the Peters into separate hugs. When she hugged Peter 3 it felt nice, and safe. Amora hugged him until she realized that she probably had been hugging him for to long. She let him go, and looked up with an awkward smile. She looked around seeing as the villains began to dissipate into a light. She knew in a few seconds the two men in front of her would meet the same fate. Amora was right, they waved goodbye to eachother as the two Peters disappeared as well. Amore began to feel weird, tingly even, it wasn't a good feeling too. She looked to her hand which seemed like it was disappearing too.

"STRANGE?" She screamed up trying to get his attention.

The Strange she knew did not look, she could not hear her. Amora looked closer to the man and saw a sort of silouhette, a shadow behind him. The shadow became more clear, it was Strange too, but he looked more dark, grungy, evil. She gasped at the sight as her body continued to disappear. The shadow winked at her and smiled, confusing her even more. Her head was getting light, as her mind started to disappear with her body, until she was completely gone from the universe she once knew.
Sorry that chapter was kind of short, but just finishing the battle scene hehe <3

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