Who are you?

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Third Person Narrative

"Who are you?" The avengers asked in unison.

Peter backed up nervously, scared to reveal an identity that no one even knew. He took a deep breath before lifting off his mask revealing his face.

"It's you." Natasha said confused, "Peter Parker."

"I'm sorry how do you know him?" Tony questioned.

"I met him earlier at the bar... he was moping around." She replied.

Before Peter could try and defend his actions, Amora awoke abruptly. He noticed how she gasped extremely as she rolled off the table she once lied on now breathing hardly as she observed her surroundings. She looked as if she wanted to cry, maybe scream overall she looked upset. They caught her up on the situation, as well Peter introduced himself. That was the only time she smiled. It seemed fake, but she was trying to be nice to him as a newcomer. Her frown wasn't just sadness although he noticed, there was as well disappointment

"We need to find out where Ultron is going next." Maria Hill chimed to the group.

"I think I know where to start." Steve replied.

He proceeded to show them a video on a tablet. It was of a man Peter didn't know but they certainly did. From what he heard from them it was a dude named Baron Von Strucker, and now Ultron had killed him.

"I say our best bet is to look at his known associates. Black arms dealers, etc." He continued.

"But how will we now since Ultron locked us out of the web?" Rhodey asked.

"Well he could only destroy the digital ones." Bruce said hopefully.

They all nodded in agreement now proceeding to the filing room, to get anything on the known associates. Peter followed as well, even though he didn't know anything about it personally at least he could read. He stood next to Amora, helping her look through the file of piles she was assigned. He noticed that she never once looked up, she just looked sadly at all the files as she intently read.

"Hey a-are you okay?" Peter asked gently.

"Yeah." Amora replied basically in a whisper.

"You're clearly upset about something." Natasha said blatantly, "So Spill."

Peter watched as Amora now looked up, looking towards the man he knew was Tony Stark. You could see the disappointing look she had on her face, a long with the water beginning to well up in her eyes.

"Tony?" She questioned, "I need to know."

"Known what?" He asked.

"T-that needle. Where did Ultron get it from?" Amora basically whimpered, "I know he couldn't have invented it in the matter of an hour he was alive."

Peter kept turning his head back and forth back and forth as the two continued to talk. He saw as Tony looked down at his feet, sighing in guilt.

"When you first arrived on Earth... Um shield asked me to make it as a precaution you know?" He said scratching his head, "But obviously we never needed to use it! You have proved time and time again you are here to help."

She nodded her head, putting on that damn fake smile again as they all went back to work to relieve the tension. Peter was reliving her past, and even though he wasn't with her present, he felt like he still was getting to know a part of her. The continued to work in silence, as Peter tried to do as much of the grunt work for her to sort of cheer her up.

"Got it!". Tony exclaimed handing the file to Steve.

Amora walked over to peer over the file as well and observe it.

"Ulysses Klaue?" Steve questioned Tony.

"Yeah I met him awhile back at a weapons auction." Tony replied

Peter noticed as Steve shook his head in disappointment about Tony's affiliation with this guy.

"I didn't sell him anything obviously cap." Tony rolled his eyes.

"What's that on his neck?" Rhodey cut in, "A tattoo?"

This was the first time he saw Amora speak up in a bit, now exerting her knowledge to the group.

"It's a brand." She said, "But in what dialect?"

"I got it!" Bruce called them over, "It's in a dialect called Wakanda?"

Peter observed as Steve and Tony looked at each-other anxiously, he could tell they knew something about it.

"I thought your dad got the last of it?" Steve interrogated.

"What comes out of Wakanda?" Amora asked softly.

Steve and Tony both looked at eachother, "Only the strongest metal on earth." They said now looking at Caps shield.


They had made a plan to go pay Ulysses Klaue a visit, where they assumed Ultron would be trying to get his robotic hands on vibranium. They had all loaded up on the quinjet, even Peter since the Avengers believed him to be quite of an asset. It would be a long flight all the way to the coast of Africa where Klaue was currently residing, so a lot of the team was trying to sleep.
Peter sat next to Amora since she was the only one he knew, even if she didn't know him anymore. He watched as she was reading a book, not just any book but Harry Potter. Peter was amazed and intrigued, with his inner nerd almost peering out.

"You like Harry Potter?" Peter whispered towards her.

Amora looked up from her book and smiled, "Yeah um I made a list of things to do on this planet, like a bucket list and someone recommended them to me and I honestly read it whenever I get a chance." She giggled.

He looked at her in awe, it just made him like her personality even more just everything about her to him was great. He watched as she closed the book gently now looking at him intently.

"So how did you get your powers?" She asked politely.

"I got bit by a spider. A radioactive one to be exact." He responded.

"So your name is quite literal then?" She chuckled back.

"Y-yeah I guess so." He joined in her laughter.

They talked for hours on the jet as they were waiting to arrive. Everything between them just flowed so well, their conversations just coming naturally as if they were good friends. Although, Peter had wished it was the once he met first. He wanted her to know who he was and what they had gone through together, even if it was a matter of days. How could he miss her while he was talking to her? He brushed off the thought, continuing to talk to her awaiting their arrival in Africa.

To anyone who might read, sorry for not posting in a couple days! I was honestly so tried this weekend. But I have some free time tomorrow night so I will try to get at least 2 new chapters in tomorrow. <3

Also sorry for the shortness of the chapter idk like its same length but a lot more dialogue this time.

Also lmk if you enjoy where its going! Or if i should take another turn i will appreciate any advice hehe.

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